Customer Support Management

Three Diverse Individuals Work Together to Find a Solution

Community Association Management Companies (CAMs) play an important role in managing administrative, accounting, financial, and maintenance tasks for the communities that have hired them. However, when servicing clients, CAMs face various challenges, such as resident dissatisfaction, overburdened managers, and dissatisfied boards. These issues often arise from a lack of forming and maintaining strong connections with their communities. That’s where a CRM comes in.  

This blog post will look at the top challenges management companies face, how a CRM can address these challenges, and why implementing a CRM is vital. Thus, we will equip you with the correct tools and knowledge to improve resident happiness, board connections, and management efficiency.

Challenges that management companies are currently struggling with

Low Retention Rate 

Community Association Management companies often struggle with low retention rates. This issue primarily manifests as most HOA communities leave their current management company within two years, opting to either self-manage their community or sign on with a competing management company.  

This revolving door phenomenon forces CAM companies to seek new clients to replace the clients they have lost. This adds extra strain to management companies because they spend more time acquiring new sales. Moreover, high turnover in community management can undermine the trust and satisfaction of existing clients, who may perceive it as instability or lack of value in the services provided.  Focusing your efforts on retention becomes vital through strong client relationships, proactive communication, and demonstrating value to ensure long-term satisfaction. 

Eroding Resident Trust 

Many management company interactions center around payment requests, invoicing, collections, and handling violations. Over time, the transactional nature of these relationships can make residents feel less valued, unheard, and unsatisfied. As trust erodes, residents may become more hesitant to participate in community activities, resulting in strained relationships and possible disputes.

Board Doubt and Oversight

Board members may often raise concerns about the value they’re getting from your management services. They want to be certain that services are efficient, jobs are completed on time, and communication is clear. Thus, a lack of proper management of community issues or communications can strain the board-management relationship. 

Operational Inefficiencies

Community Association Management companies frequently face inefficiencies, such as manual processes, data in different places, and communication gaps. These inefficiencies can result in delays when responding to resident issues and inconsistent or poor service, all leading to increased workloads for managers. Additionally, operational efficiencies lead to more unpredictable schedules and stress for managers.

Limited Resident Engagement 

Creating a sense of community and encouraging resident participation is important for a well-functioning community. However, management companies often struggle to keep residents informed. Limited communication channels and a lack of personalized interactions can all hinder building an engaged community.

Outdated Technology

Leveraging the latest technology is important for delivering exceptional customer service.  However, several management companies are tethered to outdated systems. Being stuck in the past technologically can throw a wrench into your communication, data management, and operational efficiency.  This ultimately diminishes the quality of services you provide to communities.

How CRM can help CAMs build better connections

By leveraging an industry-specific CRM, management companies can streamline operations, build resident trust, and improve board relationships. Let’s discuss how CRM built specifically for the CAM industry can help your company.  

1. Track resident interactions and provide support

With a CRM system, management companies can easily track resident interactions and provide efficient assistance. Here’s a deeper look at how CRM may solve these key concerns:

Centralized Data Management

CRM enables management companies to keep all resident-related information in one unified platform. This includes residents’ contact information, communication choices, service requests, support requests, payment history, and unit information.  

Centralizing data has many benefits. It enables your staff to access up-to-date resident information, reducing response times and increasing overall efficiency. It also improves data quality and consistency, decreasing mistakes and redundancies in resident records. Furthermore, having a centralized database allows team members to collaborate more effectively since everyone can access the same data source. 

On-Demand Support through a Knowledge Base

One significant benefit of adopting a CRM system built for the community management industry is the ability to provide on-demand help through a searchable knowledge base. A knowledge base stores important community information, such as frequently asked questions, troubleshooting tips, and community policies and procedures.

Residents have 24/7 access to the knowledge base, allowing them to solve common problems at their own convenience. This eliminates the need for support teams to handle common questions, allowing them to focus on more meaningful or urgent tasks. A well-maintained knowledge base also improves resident satisfaction by delivering prompt and correct answers to their questions, resulting in a more efficient and streamlined support experience.

Efficient Handling of Support Tickets

CRM systems help management companies handle support issues more efficiently. When a resident submits a question or request, the CRM simplifies the process by enabling them to contact the right managers quickly. 

With a CRM, you can keep residents informed about the progress of their requests, and they can communicate back with you, which creates a two-way feedback loop. This approach streamlines support processes by maintaining regular updates and keeping residents informed throughout the resolution process.

2. Communicate with residents

Effective communication lies at the heart of successful HOA management. A CRM system can revolutionize how HOA managers interact with residents, fostering efficient and personalized communication.

Proactive, Multichannel Communication

CRM solutions built for the community management industry enables you to engage with residents proactively through many channels. These channels include phone calls, emails, text messages, postal mail, website notifications, and resident portals. This proactive strategy ensures that residents receive updates, announcements, and notifications in the format that best meets their needs. Moreover, by embracing multichannel communication capabilities, management companies can improve the efficacy of their outreach initiatives, increase resident participation, and establish better community relationships. 

Tailored Messages with Dynamic Distribution Group

CRM systems with communication capabilities provide dynamic distribution group functions, allowing management companies to segment residents according to locations. This segmentation allows management companies to provide relevant and targeted communications to certain groups of residents. For example, management companies can form distribution groups for homeowners, renters, and board members in a specific area for emergencies. Dynamic distribution groups help to enhance engagement, responsiveness, and resident happiness by personalizing communications to the interests and needs of each demographic.

3. Increase transparency and collaboration

Management companies must update board members regularly on the status of community tasks and projects.  Here’s how a CRM improves transparency and communication with your board.  

Collaborative Task Management

A task management system within your CRM allows management companies to collaborate with board members on community-related tasks. Each task can be categorized, prioritized, and assigned to a particular team or board member to ensure everyone knows their responsibilities.  

Email Notifications and Updates

Task management features within a CRM can automate email alerts to board members for task assignments, changes, and updates. This proactive communication keeps board members informed and engaged with community initiatives, projects, and ongoing duties. Email notifications also function as reminders to take action and follow up.

Document Management and Sharing

Within a CRM, document management tools can help management companies store, organize, and exchange key documents, including contracts, rules, meeting minutes, and reports, with the HOA board. Authorized board members may securely view these documents, guaranteeing transparency and quick access to critical information. Additionally, document versioning and permission management improve security and governance.

Reporting and Analytics

CRM systems have extensive reporting and analytics capabilities that provide information on task progress, completion rates, resource allocation, and overall performance. Management companies can generate reports and view information on dashboards to share with the HOA board, highlighting critical data, trends, and successes. These reports provide transparency by offering information about operational efficiency, resident satisfaction, and community initiatives.

5 Features Your CRM should have

Here are the 5 features your CRM should have:

1. Communication

CRM systems should have powerful communication capabilities.  Communication is vital for building connections, resolving issues quickly, and keeping stakeholders informed. CRM’s communication component offers seamless engagement with residents and board members through several channels like email, phone, text, and portals.

With Pilera’s communication technologies, CAM benefits from seamless contact with homeowners, stakeholders, and the HOA board through many channels. This enables people to select their preferred communication channel, ensuring that timely and relevant communications reach them.

2. Customer Support

CRM systems should enable customer support teams to effectively respond to resident queries, complaints, and service requests. A CRM system with extensive customer support capabilities automates ticket administration, tracks support interactions, and guarantees that issues are resolved on time.

Pilera’s help desk function simplifies customer service for management teams. It enables managers to provide superior customer assistance by leveraging automated processes and knowledge base, increasing resident satisfaction.

3. Operations

A CRM system with strong operations management capabilities simplifies work assignment, scheduling, and tracking. It allows management companies to handle maintenance requests and track repair progress quickly.

Pilera’s operations management tool helps Community Association Management (CAM) improve task management, maintenance, ACRs, violations, and more.   It also empowers collaboration with tools such as ticket assignment, automatic email notifications, and automatic audit logs.

4. Resident Engagement

Engaging residents is critical to creating a lively community and encouraging involvement in events, projects, and decision-making processes. Your HOA CRM should incorporate resident engagement features like community portals, event management, and surveys.

Pilera’s resident engagement portal offers residents a unified platform for accessing community information, participating in debates, and learning about future activities.

5. Board Collaboration

A powerful CRM should have comprehensive board collaboration tools to promote effective governance and decision-making. It allows CAM businesses to create, allocate, and monitor jobs, handle architectural modification requests, and provide reports demonstrating workload and work completion progress.

With Pilera’s board collaboration tools, CAM companies can enhance transparency, improve collaboration, and streamline operations, leading to better governance, informed decision-making, and a more cohesive community environment.

From Transactions to People-First, with CRM designed for CAMs

In conclusion, a CRM system is critical for Community Association Management organizations to manage challenges. An HOA CRM system streamlines communication, provides efficient customer assistance, optimizes operations, increases resident participation, and allows for smooth board cooperation. These capabilities enable CAM businesses to strengthen resident connections, increase transparency and confidence with HOA boards, streamline operational procedures, and provide superior services to their communities. CAM businesses can overcome barriers, increase efficiency, and achieve long-term success by utilizing a CRM system like Pilera while maintaining a flourishing and connected community.

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management software that has helped thousands of community managers enhance communications, operations, client support, engagement, and voting.  Book a personalized demo to learn how Pilera can help improve efficiency and reduce costs. 

How to manage HOA Board Member expectations.

Are board members truly satisfied with the level of service provided by your HOA management company?

Over the past few years, the expectations of board members have changed drastically. As an HOA management company, the opinion and expectations of the board members should be of high importance to you.

In this article, you’ll learn about 4 ways management companies can meet and even exceed board member expectations.

1) Increase visibility

An important goal of board members is to ensure that community operations run smoothly and that decisions taken are in the collective members’ best interests.

An HOA or Condo association will often hire a management company to help them to run the community’s operations and handle finances, maintenance, violations, complaints, and more. Board members want to gain visibility into the community’s operations and finances. They also want to know the type of issues residents are experiencing and how the management company is handling these interactions.

Managers can meet board member expectations by improving visibility, regularly communicating with board members, and providing them with status updates. One of the most useful ways to give your board members visibility is by creating a monthly Board Packet. Board packets can include financial statements, reports on in-progress and completed work orders, resident support requests, violations, and any other tasks that managers are working on.

Pilera’s HOA software empowers managers to increase visibility and communication with the board through real-time analytics. The Ticket Analytics Report gives insight into the open, closed, and in-progress tickets for work orders, ACRs, rule violations, support, and tasks. With the help of these real-time reports, managers can directly communicate the value of their services to the board member and thereby improve board member satisfaction.

2) Fast response time

In the digital age, customers expect a fast response time from the companies they do business with, and it’s no different for HOA and condo communities. It’s important to establish a method of communication with your board members and residents and the frequency with which you will communicate with them. When they reach out to you, it’s important to set expectations on when they will get a response. Here are a few ways to manage expectations and improve your response times:

  • Inform your board members of when they can expect a response from you. Is it within 24 hours or 48 hours? Clearly state this on your website or email responses.
  • Maintain a singular place for board members and residents to submit requests, whether that is through email, a form on your website, or an online portal.
  • Encourage self-service in your community by keeping your website or online portal fresh with the latest community information, documents, events, and more.

3) Reduce the risk of liability

Since board members volunteer their time to run the association, they may not have the expertise to handle rules and regulations that impact the community. Therefore, they often look up to an HOA management company to guide them through legal questions or challenges. Managers need to be well-versed in community association law and actions that a community needs to take to comply.

Also, by maintaining information on a technology platform, you can help board members reduce the risk of a community’s liability. Here’s how:

  • Maintain all interactions and communications within the community. This can be done effortlessly through an HOA software such as Pilera’s.
  • Keep a history of all open and closed tickets for work orders, ACRs, rule violations, support, and tasks.
  • Pilera’s document library has board-specific folders so they can access important rules & regulations.
  • Managing repair work is a major task undertaken by management companies. HOA associations are required to acquire a minimum of 3 vendor bids for repair and maintenance work. Managers can help associations compare bids and secure the best vendor.
  • With Pilera’s vendor management, you can easily store vendor information and receive automated COI reminders, thereby reducing the community’s liability.

4) Manage daily operations efficiently

Board members rely heavily upon HOA management companies to run their associations and manage their operations. An HOA management company acts primarily as an advisor of the HOA board and serves as its helping hand. As an HOA manager, you have to handle a variety of tasks such as maintenance, resident requests, violations, architectural change approvals, vendor bids, and more. With so many tasks to manage, time management and efficiency are critical. Creating more efficiency enables you to generate better outcomes for the community as well as save the community money. Here are some ways in which you can improve team efficiency:

  • Streamline processes – You should have a well-documented process of how your team handles different tasks from start to finish and how to handle any problems that arise.
  • Improve communication with staff and board members – It\’s important to keep your board members informed of tasks and projects that you are working on for them. With a collaborative HOA platform such as Pilera’s, you can update the status of any work, communicate with board members and staff, and automatically maintain a history of each task.
  • Invest in technology to automate tasks – With the right technology, you can manage a variety of tasks, communicate with board members and residents, and monitor your workflow.


By working with your board member clients, you can create more self-sufficient communities and improve operations together. When you invest in automated technology, you can improve transparency with the Board, respond faster, reduce any potential risks or liability, and create more efficiency.

Teamwork and efficiency

As a community manager, keeping up with the daily operations of the community requires you to wear many hats.  You have to enforce community rules, resolve work order issues, and work on any requests that residents and board members send your way. You’re regularly interacting with residents, vendors, board members, and other staff members. When dealing with all your responsibilities, important tasks may get lost in the shuffle.

Community managers facing these challenges can benefit from a Client Service Ticketing platform that can help their team improve efficiency and increase resident satisfaction.  In this article, you’ll learn about what a client service ticketing solution is and how you can leverage it to keep your team organized. 

What is a Client Service Ticketing solution?

A Client Service Ticketing solution helps you track resident-submitted requests and internal tasks for the communities you manage.  It can automate routine tasks such as opening, prioritizing, and closing resident or community issues.  

With a Client Service Ticketing solution, you can track a variety of issues in one place:

  • Maintenance – Unit and Common Area work orders
  • Architectural Change Requests
  • Resident support
  • Unit activity logs
  • Rule violations
  • Board and Management Tasks

As we’ve listed out here, a Client Service Ticketing solution enables you to track a wide range of issues.  Continue reading on to learn about the top three ways a Client Service Ticketing solution can benefit your company.

Benefits of a Client Service Ticketing solution

1) Better team organization

In a study, 4 in 10 employees say that there is a lack of collaboration in their company.  A Client Service Ticketing solution enables teams to improve team collaboration by planning out their day, assigning responsibilities, and communicating internally with other team members.  

Here’s how Pilera can help you improve team organization:

  • Set expectations by being able to view a live snapshot of all assigned tasks across the communities you manage in an easily filterable dashboard.
  • Assign tickets to managers, board members, and vendors so that everyone knows what they are responsible for.  Focus on what is most important by filtering the dashboard by assignee, priority, and due dates.  
  • Communicate internally with your team through automated email notifications on ticket assignments, comments, or status changes.  That way, the right employees, board members, and vendors are notified.  

2) Increase resident satisfaction

Residents often complain about a lack of communication or delay in receiving responses to their requests.  A Client Service Ticketing system provides self-service features for residents while making it easy for managers to organize all of their requests in one place.  This allows you to keep an open line of communication with your residents and provide faster responses to their requests.  

Pilera’s ticketing system can help you achieve better resident satisfaction rates by:

  • Encouraging residents to submit requests online, attach photos or documents, view updates to their requests, or reply back to managers.
  • Providing residents with a fully searchable knowledge base where they can find answers directly in the community portal without having to call the management office. 
  • Tracking every interaction with your residents with a real-time audit trail so you always know what occurred and what the resolution was. 

3) Grow your business without increasing costs

According to studies, 1 in 3 business leaders agrees that automating technology can save 10-50% of labor costs.  A Client Service Ticketing system empowers you to grow your business without having to add more managers.  In our recent Client Satisfaction Survey, management companies reclaimed between $5K and $35K in efficiency per staff member per year, depending on the size of their company.  

Here’s how Pilera can help you propel business growth:

  • Retain happier association clients by showing them the value you provide through business analytics reports on open and closed tickets.
  • Easily justify price changes with reports that show you how much work each community generates over time.   


Keeping track of all resident requests and community tasks can be a challenge, but Client Service Ticketing platforms can make it easier for your team.  A Client Service Ticketing platform empowers your team to improve organization, deliver a better resident experience, and grow your business.  If you’re intrigued to learn how Pilera’s Client Service Ticketing system can work for you, book a personalized demo or speak with an expert today.

Free Download:

Download the Client Service Ticketing Whitepaper

Customer service is at the heart of any HOA management business.  When done well, customer service increases board member and resident satisfaction.  In today\’s digital age, residents are looking to the web to get answers instantly. They also look up to their management company to provide them with quick and reliable support. That\’s why it\’s important to give your residents an easy way to find answers. When they do reach out to you, tracking their requests on sticky notes and spreadsheets isn\’t enough. Your team needs a more efficient way to organize these requests so you can deliver reliable and fast support.  Enter customer support software. 

Customer support software helps you to organize your customer support requests from start to finish. In this post, we focus on why your HOA management business needs customer support software and how to identify what’s right for you.

What is Customer Support Software?

Customer support software is a set of tools that enables companies to better assist their customers.  It also tracks the journey of customer support issues from start to finish so your staff members have all the information they need to deliver the best experience.   

At a basic level, customer support software helps businesses to:

  • Keep track of incoming customer requests and issues. 
  • Help managers stay organized and accountable.
  • Maintain a history of important customer data to cut down the time it takes to solve an issue.
  • Provide customers with self-service capabilities.  
  • Make important business decisions with reports.

Benefits of Customer Support Software

Customer support software offers companies a simpler way to manage customer requests and keep their team aligned. Let\’s talk about how a community management-specific customer support platform can benefit your HOA management company.

An easy way for residents to get in touch with you

Residents will frequently come to you with a question, issue, complaint, or suggestion.  It’s vital to give them a channel where they can be heard.  Customer support software enables residents to submit a support request, attach relevant files, communicate with their manager, and get status updates.  When you keep residents in the loop, they’ll feel more connected to the community. 

Help residents help themselves

In a digital-first world, residents expect to find information in an instant.  According to recent studies, 89% of millennial customers will conduct an internet search to find the answers they need before calling the company.  As more millennials become homebuyers, it’s important to create a knowledge base that is searchable and answers their questions.  

Customer support software enables your HOA business to have a presence 24×7 even if your managers can’t physically be there to answer phone calls or emails.  This puts less strain on your call center or client service team.  You’ll also increase resident satisfaction, as they can quickly find the information they’re looking for.  

Manage company and community knowledge

A knowledge base also streamlines the knowledge and learning of important community processes.  

When managers have a well-stocked knowledge base, it can save them time in responding to resident support tickets.  It also helps an after-hours staff member to quickly find important information when dealing with residents.  

Change is part and parcel of managing communities.  When a manager or board member leaves, you can use a knowledge base to train new members.  This is instrumental in getting a manager or board member up to speed so they can deliver the best customer service to residents. 

Keep your client services team organized and accountable

To deliver on the promise of fast and reliable customer service, your client service team needs a way to organize and prioritize incoming tickets.  Customer support software makes it simple to assign tickets, prioritize them, and set a due date.  That way, each manager is accountable for their work.  Having a customer support platform in place improves team communication so that nothing is lost in translation. All managers can work together on one platform to give residents the best customer service.

All customer data in one place

When you’re working to resolve a support ticket, it’s important to have context for the issue you’re handling.  That way, you can provide the resident with an accurate solution.  

A customer support platform, especially an HOA-centric platform, will allow you to track information at a unit or person level.  Consider the types of information you can use to resolve support issues faster:

  • Other occupants in the unit.
  • Payment transaction history.
  • Guests.
  • Pets.
  • Vehicles.
  • Insurance.
  • Previous support tickets.
  • Maintenance requests.
  • Violations.
  • More!

The support solution should also track every action that’s been taken on a support request.  This includes when a ticket was assigned or reassigned when a comment was added, or when the status was changed. This information helps to keep your team accountable.

Increase board satisfaction and loyalty

To retain your customers, you need to show the value you’re providing them.  However, this is something that many management companies struggle with.  

Through a customer support platform, you can generate reports to help you accurately convey the work you\’ve done. The reports should show how many resident requests came in and how many you’ve resolved.  You can create these reports on a weekly or monthly basis based on your needs and present them to the Board. 

Gain insights to run your business more efficiently

Your client services team is putting effort to deliver superior customer service to the residents.  Now, it’s time to understand the impact of those efforts.  

As a business owner or manager, you’ll want to know how those efforts are panning out.  Is one community creating more work than another?  Is anyone in your client services team overwhelmed with work?  

A customer support platform gives you vital insights to answer these questions. You\’ll be able to find out how many requests your staff is opening or closing in a given timeframe.  With this information, you can confidently manage staff workload.  These reports also tell you how much work each community is creating.  If your team is getting a lot of support requests from a specific community, you may consider increasing rates when it\’s time for clients to renew. Also, it\’s easier to justify the price increase.

Choosing the Best Customer Support Software for Your HOA Business

Customer support software is key the day to day operations of your client service team.  Now that you have a better understanding of how it can help your HOA management business, how do you choose one that’s right for you?  To help you identify which tool is the best for your company, consider these questions.

  1. Can residents easily contact you?
  2. Are there any self-service capabilities within the platform so residents can find information on their own?
  3. Can you easily manage the wealth of knowledge that your communities or company have? 
  4. Can you organize and prioritize tasks for your team?
  5. Is there an easy way to track and find unit-specific information so you can cut down the time it takes to respond back to them?  
  6. Can you generate reports so you can show value to the Board?
  7. Can your company executives get business analytics to help them in making important decisions?  
  8. Is the software easy for your staff, board members, and residents to use?

Since there are many tools in the market, it\’s important to evaluate how each vendor addresses the above questions. As you start evaluating options, see how generic customer support tools compare with an HOA-specific tool such as Pilera’s.

Drive resident and board loyalty with Pilera\’s customer support platform

Thousand of managers use Pilera daily to improve their customer support operations. Designed for the HOA and property management industry, Pilera offers a comprehensive set of tools that allow managers, board members, and residents to all work together.

Managers can deliver better service while increasing efficiency for their team with comprehensive customer support tools, activity tracking, communications, and knowledge base. They can also increase communication with the Board through task tracking and comprehensive reports. Professional Association Services (PAS), a California-based management company tracks over 2,000 resident interactions per year and presents their Board with transparent reporting they love.

Meet resident expectations with a single place to make payments, submit requests, update contact information, and manage their unit. Residents can log into a secure portal to submit support, maintenance, and architectural requests. They can also update their contact information and manage their unit to keep their managers updated. Through Pilera\’s integrated customer support solution, managers, board members, and residents keep each other informed and can build better communities.

Customer Support Software

Customer support software can help keep your client services team aligned, residents happy, and board members retaining your services for the long run.  With so many different client services software available in the market, what solution is best for you?   In this blog article, we will cover the different software platforms in the market and how they address the most important features.  

If you\’re short on time and just want to get the highlights of this post, be sure to check out the summary section below.

What types of customer support software platforms are available?  

1) Generic software 

In this article, we will cover two leading generic customer support platforms, Zendesk and Zoho Desk.

Zoho Desk

Zoho Desk is a support platform that provides multi-department support and ticket management, knowledge base, telephone support, analytics, and more.


Zendesk is a multi-channel support platform that provides ticket management, knowledge base, community forums, and analytics.  

2) Industry-catered software 

These solutions are specifically built for HOA’s, condos, and property management companies.  Today we will be covering our customer support software, Pilera. 


Pilera offers customer support software solutions such as customer support management, activity tracking, knowledge base, troubleshooting, resident portals and notifications, document management, and more.  

What should you consider when searching customer support software?

There are a number of features to consider when selecting the right customer support software for your HOA management company. Each factor is critical to keeping your team aligned and saving them time as well as delivering the best customer experience your residents deserve. These factors include setup and onboarding, tracking customer issues, self-service capabilities, reporting, resolving resident issues, pricing, and integrations. In this article, we\’ll discuss how each customer support software addresses these factors.

1) Setup and Onboarding

When looking for a solution, it’s important to consider how easy setting up your support inbox is.  The easier it is to set up a platform from the get-go, the easier it will be to manage data in it going forward.  Is the solution an out-of-the-box system that you can onboard your staff quickly with or does it require significant customization to make it work for you?  

Zoho Desk

Depending on the plan chosen, you can set up your communities as departments in Zoho.  In their enterprise plan, customers can set up to 50 departments in Zoho. Customers can then set up custom fields and automated workflows for each department which can be powerful. Therefore, it will take careful planning on your part and extensive staff training for it to successfully operate.        


A generic solution such as Zendesk will require you or your IT team to add and manage your residents individually in the software.  Setting them up as companies could be used as a replacement for communities.  Zendesk is very versatile with custom fields but setting it up for your industry can take some time.  The custom fields will also require consistent upkeep so that everything runs smoothly.   


Pilera’s customer support tool works right out of the box for the property management industry once the communities have been set up.  The onboarding team at Pilera works with each new client to set up their communities and provide their staff with training to get started.  Once set up, each community will have its own dedicated support inbox where you can manage all inbound resident requests, assign them to a manager, post comments, track every action taken on a ticket, and generate reports. 

2) Organizing and tracking customer issues

As a community manager, you’re regularly fielding resident calls about a leak in their unit or a question about their account balance. It’s important to be able to organize these issues at a property, resident, and community level for future reference. 

Zoho Desk

Zoho works great for industries that are concerned about tracking interactions with individual customers or companies. As a company in the property and community management industry, you may find it lacking in the ability to track unit-based activity.  When residents move out of the unit, the interaction will stay at the customer level and not the unit level.  


Just like Zoho, Zendesk caters to a larger demographic of companies that are concerned about tracking interactions at an individual customer level. You would need to configure your tickets to track activity at a unit level manually.


As a unit-based system, Pilera makes it easy for you to track activity at a unit, occupant, and community level.  As residents move in and out of the unit, managers can view every activity from that unit and how it was resolved.     

3) Self-service – knowledge base, resident access, and email notifications

In today’s digital age, residents expect to receive up-to-the-minute updates and information on their community.  The self-service portal you provide to residents should empower them to get connected, find answers, and keep track of their unit.  

Zoho Desk

Zoho Desk offers a customer portal where your residents can log in to submit support tickets, view the status, respond to you, and find answers through a knowledge base.  When you send a reply, they will receive an email notification.


Zendesk also offers a customer portal where your residents can log in to submit support tickets, view the status, respond to you, find answers through a knowledge base, and post to a community forum.  When you send a reply, they will receive an email notification. Since each community has its own Zendesk account, your residents may need to have different logins to access multiple units they own in different communities.   


Through Pilera, residents can access all of their important community information in one place.  Firstly, residents can submit support tickets, receive email notifications, view the status, and respond to you.  Secondly, they can find answers through a searchable knowledge base.  You can restrict the permissions of the knowledge base by the manager, owner, or tenant.  Thirdly, if residents own more than one unit in different communities, they can view all information with just one login! 

In addition, residents can also access the following in Pilera:

  • Financial ledger and balance.
  • The ability to pay HOA dues, fees, or apartment rents online.
  • Submit work orders and architectural change requests.  
  • View violations and activity logs associated with their unit.  
  • View communications, documents, events.
  • Submit forms and surveys.

4) Multi-community reporting

Understanding the health of your company’s client services activities is vital to making important business decisions.  Your customer support platform should make it easy to bring data together from all your communities to answer these vital questions:

  • Which communities create the most amount of work for your team?  
  • Can you justify a price increase to your service?  
  • Are your staff members overwhelmed with work?  Can they benefit from more training?
  • Where do you need to shift staff workload across all the communities they manage?  
  • Do you need to hire another community manager? 


Since each community would have its own support inbox in Zendesk, the process to create multi-community reports would be manual.  Managers would need to run an individual report for each community and then combine them together into a portfolio report. 

Zoho Desk

If management companies purchase Zoho’s Enterprise plan which includes 50 departments, they can access global reports.  Through these reports, management companies can understand how much work each department/community generates and how they can improve workload for better performance.  


Whether you manage 10 communities or 100 communities, you can access your portfolio’s reports in one place with Pilera.  Powerful filters such as community, assignee, status, category, and date ranges make it easy to drill down on important information without becoming overwhelmed. You can then generate professional-looking reports from the search results or specific tickets you select.  Through these reports, you can identify which communities are generating the most work and how to shift workload so your staff is most productive.  

5) Resolving resident account issues

When residents call in to ask questions about their accounts, it’s important for you to have visibility into the issue so you can best help them.  That’s where troubleshooting features come in.  Immediately see what your customer sees, in the moment or on your own time.  You’ll be able to resolve their issue quicker and keep them happy.  


During our research, we could not find a troubleshooting feature for Zendesk. It would be handled through traditional methods such as talking to the customer on the phone, by chat, or by email.

Zoho Assist

Customer support teams can help resolve an issue remotely through a platform called Assist.  This allows you to remotely access the resident’s device to help them with an issue.  Since troubleshooting is done in real-time and when the resident is available, you may not be able to look into the issue on your own time.  Zoho Assist’s monthly subscription starts at $12 per manager.


The “Pretender” feature in Pilera allows managers to troubleshoot a resident account issue without needing to remotely access a resident’s device.  This means that managers can troubleshoot issues during their off-hours or when they have free time so they can save time for their residents.  The manager sees exactly what the resident sees on their account, reducing the time to resolve an issue.  Additionally, the “Pretender” feature is available to customers with any Pilera subscription at no extra cost. 

6) Pricing


Zendesk charges by the number of agents that require login access.  Zendesk’s pricing starts at $59/month per agent* that logs into the system and can be assigned support tickets.  To prevent spending too much money, you may end up restricting the number of managers who can access this data.  

Zoho Desk

Just like Zendesk, Zoho Desk charges per the number of agents that require login access. Depending on the plan, prices can range from $20-50 per additional manager.* While this pricing structure is great for smaller companies, you may still end up restricting the number of managers who can access this data.   


Pilera has no limit on the number of support staff that can log into the software.  This provides a collaborative environment so managers and residents can work together to provide the best possible service.  This is done through value-based pricing where management companies pay as little as $0.05 per property/unit they manage.  

7) Integrations

Integrations help to connect two data sources together and improve workflow.  For management companies, integrations between an accounting system and a customer support platform help to give you an out-of-the-box solution you can start using immediately.   

Zoho Desk and Zendesk 

Zoho Desk and Zendesk integrate with thousands of other third-party tools such as project management, support call management, chat, analytics, and more. Some integrations are free, while others charge a monthly amount.  Currently, both platforms do not integrate with property management accounting software. 


Unlike Zoho Desk and Zendesk, Pilera integrates with many industry-leading accounting platforms in the property management industry such as VMS, Caliber, TOPS, Jenark, and Asyst to name a few. Through the accounting integration, resident contact information is synced back and forth. 

Pilera also has a suite of management tools all work together.  An integrated HOA management tool helps to unify your entire organization under a single platform.  It provides a single source of truth for all the work you do.  It’s also a single shared resource for all of your staff members to log in and access vital community data.  Pilera increases the productivity of your staff with one connected HOA management solution.

Pilera also integrates with its own suite of tools:
  • Communication – Send automated email, text, and phone calls in one click with dynamic distribution groups. 
  • Maintenance – Streamline your maintenance process with resident submitted tickets, automated notifications, ticket assignment, vendor tracking, and more.  
  • Resident Portal – Provide your residents with a secure, central login to access important information and connect with their community. 
  • Board+ – Increase accountability and help the board improve compliance with tasks, violations, and ACRs. 
  • Condo & Rental – Track vehicles, pets, insurance, leases, and more.
  • Websites – Secure and mobile-friendly websites to keep your residents informed.  


Zoho Desk

  • Customer Support Features: Multi-department support, ticket management, knowledge base, telephone support, analytics, and more.
  • Caters to industries that are mostly concerned about individual customers, so managers would need to manually add units and residents. When residents move in and out, managers will need to manually update the contact information.
  • Zoho Desk is customizable and powerful once set up, and would require careful planning and extensive staff training to be successful.
  • Robust remote troubleshooting software called Assist which requires the resident to be available during the remote session.
  • Pricing: Ranges from $14-40/agent/month depending on the plan and how many departments you want.


  • Customer Support Features: Multichannel support, ticket management, knowledge base, community forums, and analytics.  
  • Zendesk is customizable and powerful once set up with their custom fields and workflows.
  • Communities could be set up as customers, however managers or their IT team would need to manually add units and residents to the system as well as manage the upkeep of the data.
  • Pricing: Ranges from $59-199/agent/month depending on the plan chosen.


  • Customer Support Features: Portfolio management and reporting, support Management, unit and occupant activity tracking, knowledge base, troubleshooting, and analytics.
  • Built for the HOA and property management industry, managers can track activity at the property, resident, and community-level.
  • Comprises of a full HOA management solution to manage communications, work orders, ACRs, customer support, online payments, documents, board portals, and more.
  • Pilera has an integration with property and HOA managemement specific accounting solutions which help to keep data consistent and reduce manual errors in resident contact information.
  • Pricing: Starts at $0.05/unit/month with no limitations on the number of managers who can log into Pilera.

Build better communities with Pilera’s client services software 

With many products available in the market, it’s important to know which tools will help your company get the most NOI.  Generic tools such as Zoho Desk and Zendesk are powerful once you spend time setting them up and training your team.  Since they have a larger demographic, they mostly track activity by the customer level.  An HOA tool like Pilera has locations built into the system so that you can easily track customer activities at a person, unit, and community level with the ability to pull in all your portfolio data into one consolidated report. Since an HOA customer support tool is a component of management software, there’s an additional benefit of organizing all of your company’s work into one platform.  To learn how Pilera’s HOA customer support tool can help you deliver better resident experiences, contact Pilera at [email protected].  

Video: Deliver better customer service with Pilera Help Desk

Case Study: Professional Association Services, Inc. (PAS)

The California-based management company, Professional Association Services, Inc. (PAS) delivered stronger customer experiences with Pilera and increased communications to residents by 200%.  Read about their success story here!  

*These are the prices listed on the company\’s website at the time of this writing.

For any successful community management company, increasing growth and delivering good customer service is a challenging balancing act. Fremont, California-based management startup, Professional Association Services, Inc. (PAS) focuses on building stronger client relationships to propel even more growth. In this blog article, you\’ll learn how PAS improved its customer service operations and grew with Pilera\’s community management software.

Outdated technology made it difficult to provide transparent reporting to the Board  

Managing more than 100 diverse communities, PAS set out to build better relationships with their clients.  However, an outdated piece of technology they used made it difficult to provide transparent reporting to the Board. They needed a better way to present their work and convey the value they provide to the Board.  

“Lots of times we have Boards or residents say, well what good are you? What do you do for me? Even though we respond to residents directly, we really work for the Board.”

Carlos Molina, Chief Technology Officer of PAS, Inc.

How PAS delivered better a client experience with Pilera

PAS exceeded Board and resident expectations with a user-friendly and powerfully integrated community management solution, Pilera.  They implemented many key products from Pilera\’s management solution: Communications, Resident Portal, Help Desk, Board+, and Company Website. The Help Desk and Communication products particularly have proven to be the biggest game-changers for PAS as a business. They\’ve increased their communications by over 200% to their residents, reducing inbound calls to the office and increasing satisfaction. They\’ve also been able to resolve 2,000 resident tickets in Pilera in one year. The automatic archives allow them to keep all documented issues for future reference. Additionally, it empowers them to present transparent and comprehensive reports to the Board. As a result, they\’re able to build a stronger relationship with existing clients, retain their business in the long run, and generate new business opportunities.

“We prepare comprehensive Board packets, including the client interactions tracked in Pilera, and producing these comprehensive reports to the Boards is one of the things they love.”

Susan Hoffman, Managing Director and Founder of PAS, Inc.

To learn more about PAS’s journey to increased customer satisfaction and company growth, read the complete Success Story here.

Are you wanting to strengthen your competitive position in the property management market or improve staffing decisions internally?  Well, now in Pilera, management executives will be able to do all this and more with our new Ticket Analytics Reports! Insights from these reports can facilitate decisions on daily operations, customer retention, and new customer acquisition efforts.  The Ticket Analytics Report combines created, closed, and open metrics for all ticket types into one report.

Where you can find the new report:

Navigate to the Work Orders or Activity Logs page in the app and click on “Analytics Report”.  You can further slice and dice this report by selecting a specific community or all communities, date range, and time range up to the minute.  

How the new report can help maximize efficiency in your operations:

1) Gain business insights on a community or portfolio level

The Ticket Analytics Report helps gain valuable business insights on a per community basis or across the entire portfolio of communities. Company Admins (referred to as executives in our post) can generate reports cross-community, and Community Managers (referred to as managers) can generate reports in the communities they are responsible for operating. When the company executive selects “All Communities”, they will be able to see a breakdown of every community and all the created, closed, and open tickets for:

  • Work Orders
  • Activity Logs
  • Tasks
  • Architecture Change Requests
  • Rule Violations
  • Insurance

2) Determine the profitability of a client

For each community, executives will be able to see the number of created, closed, and open tickets.  These metrics are an important indicator of the amount of work your company is performing for the community.  If a community is generating too much work and the costs outweigh the profits, the company may decide not to work with that community.  Company executives can then determine how much to charge back to the community for services rendered or how much to increase the going rate for annual fees based on manager output.  

3) Successfully compete in the property management marketplace

An important goal of management companies is to increase their competitive position in the property management market.  Management companies compete through service offerings and pricing. Business insights from reports are a powerful way for the management company to bring added value to prospects. Their ability to provide these business insights can serve as an important selling factor for the community.  Company executives can also adjust their bid price for the new community by using the work they handle for current clients as a base.

4) Improve staffing decisions

An optimal level of staffing is critical to running daily operations and providing clients with the customer support they expect to receive.  In the Ticket Analytics Report, company executives can view a list of all employees and the tickets they’ve created, closed, or are still open and assigned to them broken down by the type of ticket. These metrics will assist executives in making better-informed decisions to fulfill their staffing needs.  Created tickets versus closed versus open in a time frame will inform executives if their staff is getting overloaded and where to direct their resources for better productivity. This information will also support their decisions to hire more property managers or if building a team of in-house maintenance staff makes more sense.

5) Increase client satisfaction by providing business advice to clients

The Ticket Analytics Report is a great tool to use during management’s weekly meetings with HOA clients.  Key metrics in the report can help in providing board members with essential business advice to make the best decision for their community.  During these weekly meetings, managers can present all the work that has been completed by type of request, from work orders to tasks. Closed tickets versus created tickets can also provide a good indication of whether specific requests are taking too long to complete.  In this case, managers can dig deeper into their data in Pilera. Such advice to the board may be to solicit vendor bids that can reduce response time or enhance the architecture change approvals process to meet resident requests faster. The more informed business advice you provide to your clients, the longer they’ll want to stay with you.  It’s a win-win for all!

Whether your main goals are to improve operational efficiency or increase growth, the new Ticket Analytics Report in Pilera can provide valuable information to make important decisions.  Executives can utilize this report to make decisions that are important for scaling their company’s growth. Property managers can leverage key metrics in the report to provide their HOA clients/board members with critical business advice and increase client satisfaction.  To learn more about the new Ticket Analytics Report and how it can benefit your company and the communities you manage today, contact [email protected].

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations.  May we help your community achieve these success stories?  Book a demo to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company. 

With information being readily available on the web, residents expect to obtain answers to their questions quickly.  According to Hubspot, at least 5.8 billion searches are conducted per day and each person performs 3-4 searches every day.  With more individuals relying on digital platforms to get instant answers, it’s become crucial to develop a knowledge base that serves as the community’s own search.  For this month’s Manager Toolkit, we provide five helpful tips to make your knowledge base a powerful one-stop-shop for all community Q&A’s.

What is a knowledge base and how is it useful for community/property management?

Pilera’s knowledge base is a searchable, online help center/FAQ section.  A well-built knowledge base’s purpose can be two-fold: 

  1. Provide residents with the answers they need, increasing their satisfaction with management and their community.  Also, empowering residents to obtain answers themselves reduces the volume of calls and emails queued at the management office.
  2. Serve as an internal FAQ for community managers and board members to assist them with customer support operations.  The knowledge base can also be a powerful training tool for incoming managers and board members.

Tips to create a powerful Knowledge Base:  

1) Phrase the question the way residents/staff would search for it

Before you start writing your knowledge base article, put yourself in the shoes of the resident or staff member searching for information.  How do they ask you questions over the phone? How residents phrase their questions is key to providing an excellent search experience. Adding “What is the guest policy” or “Guest policy” within the title or content will improve the likelihood of residents finding that article in the search results.

2) Add a table to display information

Tables can be added within Pilera’s content editor to convey complex information to residents or staff. Examples include equipment warranty, maintenance responsibility chart/matrix, maintenance contacts for residents, a list of all emergency community contact information, and more. You can format the table to create a professional look with borders, text alignment, cell alignment, text colors, background colors, and more.

3) Categorize with tags

In each knowledge base article you create, you can add tags that will be visible on the right-hand side of the search. Residents/staff can simply select a tag and then all articles with the tag will display. Your residents and staff will appreciate just how easy it is to find the answers they are looking for. Try to keep tags generic such as “Guest Policy”, rather than “# of Guests allowed on the property”. This allows you to maintain a clean look in the knowledge base, provide a good search experience, as well as allow for multiple articles to display for one tag.

4) Set permissions for articles

In Pilera, managers can set permissions for articles to restrict content by the type of user. Permissions help ensure that your knowledge base content is relevant to the resident searching answers. For example, you can restrict lease-related content to only tenants. There are three main permissions for knowledge base articles in Pilera: Anonymous, Owners, and Tenants. If you wish to maintain certain articles for internal purposes only, you can do so by not selecting a resident type and only managers will see the article.

5) Keep adding relevant content, get residents coming back for more!

Once you’ve built the knowledge base, don’t just stop there. Continue to build a list of questions that you receive from residents and create articles to address them. If one resident is asking a particular question, chances are high that other residents will have that question too. Furthermore, keeping your knowledge base content fresh improves resident satisfaction and engagement – they’ll keep coming back to the portal for more!

Implement a knowledge base today!

The knowledge base is a great tool to educate homeowners, tenants, board members, and managers about the community and its policies.  A knowledge base that is built well will keep your residents happy, informed, and they’ll come back to the portal for more information.  Your managers will also appreciate the decline in calls, which will give them more time to allocate to more important community projects.    

Video: Deliver better customer service today with Pilera Help Desk

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations.  May we help your community achieve these success stories?  Book a demo to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company. 

Side view of female manager assisting her staffs in a call center.

The client service team is at the heart of your HOA or Condo management company’s operations.  They are busy at work carrying out the many responsibilities designated to them by community associations and delivering the promised services to help run communities well.  For the client services team’s efforts to be cohesive, they need to be given the motivation, resources, and outlets they need to succeed. Since the community management industry is heavily centered on community building, nurturing your client service team needs to have a “people-first” approach too.  In this blog post, we emphasize on four ways to power your client services team using this approach.

1) Communicate your expectations

It is critical to set the company’s expectations with the internal team to maintain consistency in the services you’re providing.  Communicating expectations helps your team to become more focused and lessen frustration. Here are some ways in which you can set expectations internally:

  • Educate employees about the HOA or condo management company’s mission, values, goals, and any new or existing procedures.
  • Define goals for the team individually and collectively.
  • Engage your client services team in tasks and projects that contribute to “bigger picture” goals.  These goals may include happier boards and residents, saving time internally, and increasing profit.
  • Communicate regularly with employees to reduce confusion.
  • Meet with your team at least once a month to keep them abreast of anything new.  
  • When you introduce new processes or fundamental changes, provide adequate training to employees. 

2) Motivate your employees

Studies have constantly shown that motivation is key to your employee’s productivity, achievements, and enjoyment of the job duties they are performing.  Harvard Business Review emphasizes that to motivate employees, a company must excel in 3 main behaviors: inspiration, kindness, and self-care. These three behaviors couldn’t be more vital in a management company’s fast-paced environment.

Inspire your client services team by giving meaning to the role they play in enriching the resident experience. Next, show kindness in the workplace. Showing consideration, empathy, and respect is essential to building a good rapport with and among team members.  Self-care is about ensuring that you take care of your client service personnel while they’re in your employment. Ways community managers/directors can engage in self-care for their employees by actively seeking their input, assisting them in the personal development of different job skills, and helping them to achieve a good work/life balance.  Make sure to have enough client service personnel to designate a different on-call person each weekend and circulate that responsibility among the team.

3) Manage knowledge internally

With knowledge abounding in every management company, there are so many benefits in effectively managing that wealth of information.  A knowledge management system such as an FAQ section serves as a great tool to train employees and board members, keep knowledge within the company or community as an employee or board member leaves and can be referred to during any resident interaction to keep oneself knowledgeable.  Additionally, it\’s a powerful way to keep track of different kinds of information throughout all of the communities your staff works with every day (because every community is different and unique!) ranging from community contact information to maintenance responsibility charts to guest and pet policies.  

A FAQs section when built to answer commonly asked questions by internal staff, boards, and residents and nurtured over time as the company or community evolves increases staff productivity and client satisfaction.  Take a look at our blog article for more guidance on the questions you can answer in your FAQs section.  

4) Actively seek suggestions from your client services team

We briefly mentioned that actively seeking input from your client services team can boost employee creativity.  Furthermore, it gives more meaning to the work they perform.  The influx of fresh ideas you can gain from your team helps to stay relevant in a competitive market and improve the quality of service you deliver to your clients.  Additionally, set expectations for the input you seek from employees. Inform your employees of how the feedback collection process will work.  Then, give your team a platform to share their concerns and suggestions for improvement. Such platforms may include group brainstorming or one-on-one meetings, surveys, or your annual review with the employee.  

When your client service staff provides valuable input, make it a point to recognize the quality of their idea. Furthermore, if you have implemented an employee\’s idea, let them know about the positive impact it will have. 

Empowering Your Team

An HOA or condo management company leader can better position themselves to empower client service team members when they set expectations accordingly and communicate it with the team, inspire them, nurture knowledge throughout the company, and actively seek suggestions from the team.  Therefore, management can deliver services that not only meets but exceeds the client\’s expectations.  Internally, the manager\’s and client service team\’s goals will be better aligned to help their clients achieve exceptionally managed communities.

Customer support staff.

As a support manager or staff member, you wear many hats in ensuring the smooth operation of the communities you manage. You’re triaging new resident requests among your support staff, assisting residents, creating help documentation for residents and your internal staff, and presenting all the work completed to the board. Therefore, your major goal is to create a good experience for residents. It’s a rewarding feeling when you’re able to successfully streamline the support process while making your residents happy and your staff satisfied with the role they play. At Pilera, our focus is to continue building upon our help desk functionalities to help make customer support more rewarding for everyone. In this month’s edition of the manager toolkit blog series, we’ll cover the top resident support tools you can use in the PileraCare product.

How Resident Support Brings Value To Your Community

Streamlined Support Requests: 

PileraCare support ticketing feature allows residents to easily submit support requests, which can then be tracked and managed by community managers. This improves the speed and efficiency of addressing issues, leading to higher resident satisfaction.

Enhanced Communication: 

Updates and responses to support inquiries ensures that everyone is well-informed and reduces misunderstandings.

Improved Customer Service:

Tracking and managing resident issues and complaints helps you ensure they are resolved promptly and efficiently. This leads to higher resident satisfaction and retention.

Time and Cost Efficiency:

By automating many routine tasks, PileraCare resident support software saves time for community managers, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives. This can also lead to cost savings through improved operational efficiency.

How PileraCare can deliver personalized resident support

Resident Support Tickets

Eliminate miscommunications and disjointed updates with Resident Support Tickets. Whether your team is in-house or outsourced, Pilera Care ensures everyone stays perfectly in sync.

By keeping everyone on the same page, your staff can provide outstanding, confusion-free service. This unified approach not only streamlines operations but also significantly boosts client satisfaction through exceptional, seamless service delivery.

  • Residents and managers can create tickets for resident issues and requests. Attach photos and documents with tickets to keep everything organized.  
  • Tickets can be assigned to managers, and updates and resolutions can be updated with the ticket. Residents have access to the ticket and resolution in the portal, and will also receive automated email updates.  
  • Cross Community searching can help you quickly assist residents by gaining access to their ticket history, or creating new tickets.
  • All managers can be provided access to the full community and/or portfolio ticket history, including email replies. Eliminate wasting time searching for status updates when a manager is out, or if there is management turnover.   PileraCare is your one stop shop for all resident data, tickets, and interactions.
  • Easily create Resident Support tickets on the go with our Quick Add Ticket feature. Whether you are on site with the client, or working remotely, the Quick Add Ticket feature saves you time.
  • Quickly and easily bulk assign, update, open or close tickets.
  • PileraCare’s comprehensive ticket charts and analytic reports quickly provide the insight you need. Run reports by community, issue type, ticket assignment and more.

Knowledge Base

Reduce resident emails and calls by providing answers to commonly asked questions through your Pilera Care portals.    Improve resident satisfaction and cut down on resident frustration by providing the answers to questions your residents need, 24×7.   PileraCare’s KnowledgeBase  not only saves your staff valuable time but also enhances the experience for your residents and improving resident satisfaction.

  • This feature provides a frequently asked question section for residents or managers
  • Easily post answers to commonly asked questions for 24×7 access to the information your community needs
  • Knowledgebase articles can be open to residents and managers, or you can post internal FAQ articles for quick manager only access
  • Add keywords and tags so your community can search for the specific answers they are looking for

Data Management

PileraCare portals provide a one-stop spot to manage all of your resident data.   Enjoy peace of mind knowing you can quickly retrieve the data you need to provide expedient service to your communities.    If you experience turnover, or even have routine manager vacations, PileraCare portals allow any manager to step in quickly to assist and record resident requests and updates seamlessly.

  • Keep track of resident Insurance policies for compliance – homeowners insurance, vehicle and more.
  • Create custom categories for any type of insurance you need to keep track of.
  • Tenant & Lease Tracking with automated lease expiration reports
  • Vehicle Search – search by plate, make & model to quickly find the owner of a vehicle that may be parked illegally
  • Pet Tracking – allows for searches by color, breed, or other descriptions to help find an owner of a lost pet
  • Save unit/occupant documents right in their Pilera portal record

By leveraging resident support software like PileraCare, community managers can create a more efficient and effective management process, leading to a better living environment for residents and a more manageable workload for themselves.

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. May we help your community achieve these success storiesContact us to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company.