
How to Modernize Your Customer Support with PileraCare

Customer support staff.

As a support manager or staff member, you wear many hats in ensuring the smooth operation of the communities you manage. You’re triaging new resident requests among your support staff, assisting residents, creating help documentation for residents and your internal staff, and presenting all the work completed to the board. Therefore, your major goal is to create a good experience for residents. It’s a rewarding feeling when you’re able to successfully streamline the support process while making your residents happy and your staff satisfied with the role they play. At Pilera, our focus is to continue building upon our help desk functionalities to help make customer support more rewarding for everyone. In this month’s edition of the manager toolkit blog series, we’ll cover the top resident support tools you can use in the PileraCare product.

How Resident Support Brings Value To Your Community

Streamlined Support Requests: 

PileraCare support ticketing feature allows residents to easily submit support requests, which can then be tracked and managed by community managers. This improves the speed and efficiency of addressing issues, leading to higher resident satisfaction.

Enhanced Communication: 

Updates and responses to support inquiries ensures that everyone is well-informed and reduces misunderstandings.

Improved Customer Service:

Tracking and managing resident issues and complaints helps you ensure they are resolved promptly and efficiently. This leads to higher resident satisfaction and retention.

Time and Cost Efficiency:

By automating many routine tasks, PileraCare resident support software saves time for community managers, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives. This can also lead to cost savings through improved operational efficiency.

How PileraCare can deliver personalized resident support

Resident Support Tickets

Eliminate miscommunications and disjointed updates with Resident Support Tickets. Whether your team is in-house or outsourced, Pilera Care ensures everyone stays perfectly in sync.

By keeping everyone on the same page, your staff can provide outstanding, confusion-free service. This unified approach not only streamlines operations but also significantly boosts client satisfaction through exceptional, seamless service delivery.

  • Residents and managers can create tickets for resident issues and requests. Attach photos and documents with tickets to keep everything organized.  
  • Tickets can be assigned to managers, and updates and resolutions can be updated with the ticket. Residents have access to the ticket and resolution in the portal, and will also receive automated email updates.  
  • Cross Community searching can help you quickly assist residents by gaining access to their ticket history, or creating new tickets.
  • All managers can be provided access to the full community and/or portfolio ticket history, including email replies. Eliminate wasting time searching for status updates when a manager is out, or if there is management turnover.   PileraCare is your one stop shop for all resident data, tickets, and interactions.
  • Easily create Resident Support tickets on the go with our Quick Add Ticket feature. Whether you are on site with the client, or working remotely, the Quick Add Ticket feature saves you time.
  • Quickly and easily bulk assign, update, open or close tickets.
  • PileraCare’s comprehensive ticket charts and analytic reports quickly provide the insight you need. Run reports by community, issue type, ticket assignment and more.

Knowledge Base

Reduce resident emails and calls by providing answers to commonly asked questions through your Pilera Care portals.    Improve resident satisfaction and cut down on resident frustration by providing the answers to questions your residents need, 24×7.   PileraCare’s KnowledgeBase  not only saves your staff valuable time but also enhances the experience for your residents and improving resident satisfaction.

  • This feature provides a frequently asked question section for residents or managers
  • Easily post answers to commonly asked questions for 24×7 access to the information your community needs
  • Knowledgebase articles can be open to residents and managers, or you can post internal FAQ articles for quick manager only access
  • Add keywords and tags so your community can search for the specific answers they are looking for

Data Management

PileraCare portals provide a one-stop spot to manage all of your resident data.   Enjoy peace of mind knowing you can quickly retrieve the data you need to provide expedient service to your communities.    If you experience turnover, or even have routine manager vacations, PileraCare portals allow any manager to step in quickly to assist and record resident requests and updates seamlessly.

  • Keep track of resident Insurance policies for compliance – homeowners insurance, vehicle and more.
  • Create custom categories for any type of insurance you need to keep track of.
  • Tenant & Lease Tracking with automated lease expiration reports
  • Vehicle Search – search by plate, make & model to quickly find the owner of a vehicle that may be parked illegally
  • Pet Tracking – allows for searches by color, breed, or other descriptions to help find an owner of a lost pet
  • Save unit/occupant documents right in their Pilera portal record

By leveraging resident support software like PileraCare, community managers can create a more efficient and effective management process, leading to a better living environment for residents and a more manageable workload for themselves.

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. May we help your community achieve these success storiesContact us to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company.

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