car in a flood

Disasters Underscore the Importance of Forward-Thinking Property Managers

No doubt by now everyone has seen the devastation that torrential…

Vacation Rentals and the HOA

One of the reasons people cite for purchasing a condo is its…
Condo during the snow time; what to expect when renting out your property.

The Outlook for the Rental Market

Well, there’s good news on the horizon for property managers…
A couple holding boxes and moving out of their apartment.

Help Units for Sale Move Quickly

Condo associations certainly don’t like having vacant units…
Keep in touch with your residents via text messaging

Keeping in Touch with Residents Via Text Messaging

Twenty years ago, if you’d told someone that they’d someday…

Taking Minimalism to Extremes

The housing needs and desires of 30-somethings are driving a…
Working Together on the HOA Board

Property Management and Trust

At first blush, property management seems pretty straightforward…

Homeowners Associations and Taxes

Tax time is looming, and although most condo associations likely…

Condo Associations and Bankruptcy

While the economic recession seems to be over for the country…

Spring Cleaning for Condo Associations

Your thermometer might not be showing it yet, but spring is here!…