
Can HOA's require proof of vaccination to use amenities?

With the number of fully vaccinated individuals increasing, many industries are setting the standard to safely reopen businesses.  For example, the CDC is allowing cruise ships to resume sailing by July 2021 without conducting test cruises as long as 95% of guests have received the vaccine.  New York is the first state to introduce a vaccine passport, a digital app where individuals can securely store electronic copies of their vaccine cards to show as proof before they can be allowed to attend large events such as games.  

HOA’s offer their community members access to many amenities such as gyms, pools, and clubhouses that make association living enjoyable.  Since board members often host events to bring the community together, there is the concern of liability and community safety.  Thus, board members are now asking: Can HOA\’s require residents show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to use amenities or attend events?

Vaccinations are a relatively new topic that HOAs are beginning to have discussions about and there’s no clearly defined answer yet.  Given that, this blog article lists some things to keep in mind about proof of vaccination. We\’ll also discuss how a community can take steps to mitigate risk while starting to reopen.


First, it’s important to frequently check your state’s or local regulations on whether businesses can ask for proof of vaccination.  For example, Florida passed a law that prohibits businesses from requiring proof of vaccination from customers to access their services.  Thus, HOA’s that are incorporated and considered a legal entity in the state wouldn’t be able to mandate vaccine proof.  

Consult with your association lawyer

As a board member, you’re likely to be concerned about the community’s liability in the event there is an outbreak.  Thus, it’s best to consult with your lawyer.  Sarah Metcalf, a Business Manager at Pelican Cove Condominium Assn, Inc. in Florida, says that “My understanding is the Law [Florida State] prohibits requiring vaccination proof; however, if the Board ask this question I will tell them that we need legal counsels opinion.”

Could there be any special scenarios in which a community may require proof of vaccination?  Adam Clark, Chief Operating Officer at Excel Association Management in Texas, shares, “I think the communities most likely to implement this kind of requirement would be in 55 and up communities.  All normal precautions (masks, sanitizing items before and after use) should still be observed regardless of vaccinations.  If a community requires proof of vaccination, and it has been given the okay by their attorney, they would likely need to hire some kind of service which would validate vaccination cards prior to letting people into the amenities.”

Understanding resident rights and concerns

Residents may have many concerns about sharing information about their vaccinations with businesses.  Before requiring proof of vaccination in your community, consider the following:

  1. Exemptions from vaccinations – Some residents are medically or religiously exempt from getting a vaccine so it’s important that any rules acknowledge these exemptions.   
  2. HIPAA Law – HIPAA protects an individual’s right to keep their medical records, including COVID-19 vaccinations private.  As always, be sure to consult with your association lawyer on how to best handle this.
  3. Resident’s right to amenities – Resident\’s right to amenities may be listed in the community\’s governing documents. In place of requiring vaccination proof, associations may be able to place restrictions on the use of an amenity. For example, many associations that are reopening their pools such as those managed by Professional Association Services in California, are restricting access only to the unit.

What can you do to ensure safety in reopening the community?

There are other steps you can take to reopen amenities and host events safely if vaccination proof isn\’t an option.

Abide by local, state, and national regulations

Susan Hoffman, the Owner of Professional Association Services in California, says that their associations are reopening pools with the guidance of their local laws.  The pool reopening plans include restricting users to the unit, implementing capacity limits, setting time limits per unit for use, requiring masks out of the pool, and requiring residents to sanitize certain equipment like chairs after use.   
The CDC is also an essential resource for health and safety guidelines.  According to guidance that the CDC released on April 27, 2021, “Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask outdoors, except in certain crowded settings and venues.”   

Survey your residents and then hold board meeting(s) to develop a plan for safe reopening

Survey your residents to understand how they feel about reopening amenities and being part of community events.  Are there certain amenities they want open more than others?  Would they rather have online virtual events with no limit on the number of people that attend? Or would they prefer in-person events with a limited number of people and social distancing?  Can you develop a phased approach to reopening amenities and hosting events to make it safe and comfortable for everyone? Once you have gained feedback, host a board meeting to develop a plan.

Continue to implement health and safety guidelines

Regardless of whether you can require vaccination proof or not, it’s important to continue practicing local health and safety guidelines.  For example, Massachusetts has released guidance on the safe reopening of pools.  Their guidelines include social distancing, face coverings in indoor pools (with medical exemptions), limited capacity in changing areas, spacing out pool furniture, sanitization, ventilation requirements, and other rules to adhere to. 

Communicate with your residents

Once your community has developed a safety plan, be sure to communicate it with your residents.  Use a mix of traditional methods such as direct mail and digital methods such as your website, email, and text.  That way, you can reach your residents at the right place and time.   Pilera community management platform empowers board members and managers to keep residents informed in multiple ways.  Pilera’s automated communication product enables you to send email, text, and phone messages to your residents. You can segment your communication by location or user type. Complement your electronic communications with Pilera\’s HOA website that is mobile-friendly and fully customizable. Post documents and other useful information on your website that residents can access with a secure login.

Can HOA\’s require residents to show proof of vaccination to use amenities or attend events? To get the most accurate guidance for your community, be sure to refer to the laws and consult with your association lawyer.  Continue implementing health and safety guidelines set by your county.  For every decision made, communicate it with your residents so you can deliver a safe and enjoyable environment this summer.  

Disclaimer: This article does not contain any legal advice. Be sure to consult with your association lawyer before developing any policy.

Reopening HOA Amenities

As vaccinations progress throughout the United States and many states take major strides to reopen, HOA’s across the country are formulating their plans on how to safely reopen amenities for the summer.  Once the community has developed a plan in which it can safely reopen amenities, it’s important to communicate that plan to your residents.  As your residents have diverse communication needs, have you identified the best ways to convey your reopening plans to them?  In this blog article, we discuss different modes of communication you can use to communicate reopening HOA amenities with your residents and what each mode is best for.

Table of Contents

  1. Website
  2. Email
  3. Text messages
  4. Phone Calls
  5. Flyers
  6. Documents
  7. Knowledge Base
  8. How to keep residents informed about reopening HOA amenities through Pilera


Your website will be one of the first places that your residents check for the latest information.  Create a new page on your website to share information about reopening the community’s amenities.  On the page, create a section for each amenity to convey the following information: 

  • Which amenities will be open or closed during the summer and hours of operation.
  • What the capacity limits are for each amenity and other rules residents need to abide by such as any mask mandates or social distancing.
  • Whether guests are allowed to use the amenity and if so, what limits are in place, and if the community requires them to show proof of vaccination.
  • The HOA’s policy on requiring vaccines in order to attend community events or gain entry to amenities (if applicable) and where residents can register to receive their vaccine.  
  • To keep content on your website to a readable length, consider posting documents that residents can refer to for additional information.


Email remains one of the best ways to communicate with your residents. It’s most ideal to send email messages to your residents when the information you need to convey is lengthy and in-depth. Email is also a visual medium, which means you can add and format images to give the email a professional look.  It’s also simpler to attach documents to an email you send to residents.  

Some ways you can use emails to communicate to your residents about reopening include: 

  • Reopening dates for amenities and hours of operation with a reminder about rules and policies for using the amenities.  
  • Any new information concerning the reopening of your communities.  Direct your residents to new information on your website or your portal’s document library.  

Encourage your residents to respond back to emails or to email management directly about any questions or concerns they may have.  It’s important to make it simple for your residents to contact you.   

Text messages

Text messages are an instant way of reaching your residents. According to Text Magic, 82% of text messages that individuals receive are read within 5 minutes.  However, your residents will not want to receive constant text messages for every update you want to communicate about reopening.  When should you use text messages?  

  • To send urgent or time-sensitive messages – An example would be if a resident tested positive after using an amenity and how the community plans to address sanitizing the area.
  • Send reminders – An example would be to remind your residents that an amenity is closed for a certain number of hours for sanitation purposes.
  • Send short messages – If a resident’s preferred method of communication is a text message, then it’s important to keep the message short, yet concise.  At the end of the message, refer to other places where they can access more detailed information, such as your website, knowledge base, or document library.    

Phone Calls

Some of your residents may prefer a phone call instead of email or a text message.  In this scenario, it’s important to keep your messages short, concise, and then only send them when necessary.  Examples of when a phone call is ideal are when you need to communicate any sudden change to amenity operational hours or if there is an emergency.


Flyers are a great way to capture your resident’s attention to important information when they are in the common areas. Consider posting flyers in the pool area or entrance, community clubhouse, gyms, and in the entrances and insides of any amenity you have.  Keep content on the flyer short, use a bulleted list, and use imagery to attract resident’s eyes to important information.  Consider creating a flyer to convey important information such as: 

  • Amenity open hours.
  • Social distancing rules.
  • Mask guidance or mandates that your community has in place.    
  • Amenity use rules.
  • Closed for cleaning signs. 
  • Board member or management contact information.
  • Signage on areas where the community is restricting capacity so that social distancing is followed.  


A document library is a centralized place for your residents to view all community documents.  It organizes and stores files such as newsletters, financials, emergency procedures, bylaws, maintenance matrix, and more.  In your document library, create a folder for your amenity reopening plans and policies. 

Consider uploading documents to your library such as:

  • Reopening plan and revisions to the plan that incorporate city, state, and national CDC recommendations/regulations.  Be sure to accurately date all revisions you in the library so residents can retrieve the latest version. 
  • Amenity layouts – If your community has a gym, then it can be helpful to mark which areas have reduced capacity limits. You can also mark which equipment cannot be used to practice social distancing rules.  
  • Safety and sanitization measures the community is implementing.
  • Convert the flyers you’ve created into a PDF file and then upload them to your document library. 

Knowledge Base or Q&A Section

Implementing a Q&A format to answer your resident\’s questions can help educate your residents about community safety and bring peace of mind to them.  Your community’s own knowledge base is a great place for residents to easily search and find answers.   

There are many questions that you can address in the knowledge base.  In fact, the information on your website and document library can also take the form of a Q&A in the knowledge base. These include amenity rules, capacity restrictions, expectations for safe behavior, sanitization procedures, guest policies, and more.

Keep your residents informed about reopening HOA amenities through Pilera

Using a mix of traditional and digital communication methods to reach your residents is always the best route to take.  That way, you can reach residents with time-sensitive information at the right time and place.

As a leading communications and management software provider, Pilera can help scale up your messaging & keep your residents informed every step of the way. Here\’s what you can do through Pilera:

  • Send automated phone, email, and text messages to the entire community in one click and instantly know your message was sent. Send emails to your entire portfolio or create location and people-based distribution groups so you can send more targeted messages.  
  • Create web pages, customize the content on the page, restrict access to board members or residents, and make a page public or private. You can also integrate various features within Pilera such as the document library and event calendar.
  • Provide residents with a mobile-responsive portal so they can access the community\’s documents and knowledge base 24×7 on any device. Restrict documents by board member and type of occupant.
  • Give residents control of how they hear from you. Residents can select their communication preferences such as email, phone, and text.  They can also view their communication history in the resident portal.   

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management software that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations.  Contact us so you can see how Pilera’s community management suite can increase work efficiency for your company.

Businessperson's Hand Arranging House Model Over Stacked Coins On Green Grass

Implementing a growth strategy to further your apartment, HOA, or condo management business goals is necessary for long-term survival.  According to the Small Business Association, more than 30% of new businesses fail within the first two years and 50% fail within 5 years with only 25% surviving after 15 years.  One of the biggest reasons for this failure has to do with a lack of a proper growth strategy resulting in companies either growing too slowly or too rapidly.  In this post, we provide some strategies that management companies with various client bases can utilize.  When implemented successfully, these strategies can help solidify your management company\’s financial and competitive position, increase profit, expand the customer base, and build an even more credible brand.  With the multitude of benefits a growth strategy can provide, it\’s first important to note that the strategy your company employs will depend upon the company’s goals, internal and financial resources, and the current client base size.  Let’s dive into these 6 growth strategies!

1) Expand your portfolio into different housing markets

Expanding your portfolio to cater to different housing markets is a great way to gain new customers.  Diversifying your business through different markets can also solidify your financial position by reducing the risk that catering to only one client base may often bring.  Management companies can decide to specialize in a number of housing markets including homeowners associations, condo associations, apartment complexes, co-ops, high-rise condos, student housing, senior living, vacation rentals, and more.  After your property management company has gained an optimal level of expertise and is ready for expansion, identify new markets the company can enter for additional growth. For example, a management company that currently caters to homeowners and condominium associations can consider taking their expertise to the high-rise residential market.

2) Expand your services

Another way to gain more customers is by adding new services to your current offerings.  Increasing or enhancing your current service offerings can help your company to improve upon its current skillsets and successfully upsell the service.  Services that you may add can include niche projects that your competitors may not offer. Let us say, for example, many of your prospects and existing customers are struggling with finding the right vendors for their communities.  Through conducting market research, you learn that your competitors do not offer a vendor evaluation/bidding service. This information tells you that by adding a vendor/maintenance management service to your offerings, you can fill an important need in the market, and in turn, you stand to gain new clients and can increase fees for participating clients in the following year.

3) Market to new geographic locations

There are good reasons to take your services to new locations.  Through market research you may find that the current region your management company operates in is saturated, revenue generation doesn’t justify the cost, or another regional market has an unmet need your company can fulfill.  When treading new waters, you’ll need to consider how your prospective clients operate and their pains, state and city regulations, and additional staffing needs.

4) Improve or add amenities

If you manage apartments, rentals, or other high-rise communities, it’s important to think out-of-the-box to implement amenities that can bring value to existing and new residents. The type of amenities you can build for the communities will depend on the demographics of your community.  If your residential communities are comprised of mostly seniors, your amenities should speak to their lifestyle needs – gardens, walking trails, or libraries. If your residential communities are comprised mostly millennials, then consider budgeting for amenities such as gym, sports areas, or educational classes.  It’s also important to consider building amenities that can help bring different demographics together and instill a sense of community. You’ll not only increase the likelihood of gaining more clients but there is also the potential for gaining additional revenue beyond rental fees.

5) Upgrade to a more powerful technology system

A robust technology platform can become a powerful asset to your community or property management company.  It’s not simply because of the efficiency it provides your team; rather, it’s the added value it brings to the services you can deliver to your prospects when they decide to do business with you.  Your prospects look up to your services because they need help with a variety of community operations – resident engagement, customer service, maintenance management, and more tasks. This means that boards and apartment prospects want solid technology tools that will help them achieve their community goals.  Many of Pilera’s management company clients state that it is much easier to promote their services to new prospects and gain more clients because they are using a full suite of management tools that Pilera provides.

6) Acquire new management companies

It often occurs that a management company will purchase another smaller, mid-sized, or large-sized management company.  This is an advanced growth strategy that requires a large capital investment, but can help gain a significant foothold in a new housing market, city, or state, or gain expertise to fill current gaps.

Staying competitive through growth

Growth is essential in the property management industry to remain competitive and to be able to keep delivering great customer service to your HOA, condo, or apartment clients.  Growing through portfolio expansion, new cities, new services, amenities, and technology can deliver great benefits to management companies wanting to increase market share, profit, and fulfill unmet market needs. 

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations.  May we help your community achieve these success stories?  Book a demo to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company. 

Couple in a pool overlooking the city and large buildings. Living the condo life.

Today, we discuss condo amenities that only the super rich can afford. Some of these may seem out of reach, but hey — we can always dream, right? And scaled-down versions of some of these are well within reach if condo associations get a little creative.

Private Pools

Having a pool for residents is a luxury for most, but in some New York high-rises, developers are putting private pools right inside condos. Imagine taking the last sip of your coffee and diving right into the pool for a morning swim.

Wine Cellars

Some exclusive properties come with resident-only wine cellars and tasting rooms in the basement. Although your association may not be prepared to shell out the big bucks a climate controlled room with an on-staff sommelier, a small room with a couple of tables for resident tastings could be a fun and affordable add-on.

Roof Decks

In urban environments where it’s hard to find a little green space, roof decks are all the rage. Some have lawns, volleyball courts, and tennis courts, while others include a pool, bar, and an outdoor shower. One NYC roof deck even transforms into an ice rink in the winter.

Pet Amenities

Your condo association may be wrestling with the do we/don’t we question when it comes to even allowing pets. Other condos — the ones that definitely do — have a full suite of pet amenities, complete with dog walking, boarding, grooming and training services, and play areas. Some even arrange doggie play dates!

Multimedia Rooms

Some condos offer their residents a virtual reality room where they can play virtual golf, tennis, ping-pong, and other games. These rooms also can be movie rooms for residents who want to see a movie without dealing with a public theater. This common amenity is popular even in condos that wouldn’t necessarily be considered luxury.

Service Suites

Picture it: You’re moving to a new condo. You have to think about transferring utilities, cleaning the carpet, packing up all your stuff. And the staff! What are you going to do with the staff?! Some NYC condo buildings provide studios that residents can purchase for their house staff so that the maid is only a floor away in case there’s an emergency mess that needs to be cleaned up. Now that’s luxury!

Pilera is a best-of-class, easy-to-use, comprehensive online property management solution for apartments, condos, and associations. Pilera provides the easiest, most comprehensive data management capability available to property managers, leasing agents, boards of directors, and back-office personnel. Quickly and easily access whatever you need, whenever you need it, from wherever you need to be with office or mobile phone connectivity. You are never out of touch. Act on the document/information accessed from the office or “on-the-road” with Pilera-supported mobile capability. Contact us today!

A terrace of a condo overlooking a city with big buildings.

All across the country, the demand for luxury condos is on the rise, and developers are eager to tap into this lucrative new market. What defines a luxury condo? It varies from property to property, but generally speaking, luxury condos include the following:

  • Plenty of living space
  • Pools
  • Full gyms with fitness classes
  • Concierge service
  • High-end appliances
  • Professional landscaping
  • Local memberships and other perks

Buyers are increasingly choosing condos over single-family homes, and one of the reasons is that they can get so much more for their money in a luxury condo, and they don’t have to mow the grass. Also, with brand-new pools and gyms with the latest equipment, residents can save money by giving up expensive gym memberships in favor or working out at home.

So what does all this mean for property management companies? It means it’s time to step up their game. If residents are paying to not have to lift a finger and live a pampered lifestyle, they’re going to expect preferential treatment from their property managers.

Forward-thinking property managers will start coming up with strategies to position themselves as the go-to companies for luxury condos, and be able to capitalize on this growing trend.

Pilera is a best-of-class, easy-to-use, comprehensive online property management solution for apartments, condos, and associations. Pilera provides the easiest, most comprehensive data management capability available to property managers, leasing agents, boards of directors, and back-office personnel. Quickly and easily access whatever you need, whenever you need it, from wherever you need to be with office or mobile phone connectivity. You are never out of touch. Act on the document/information accessed from the office or “on-the-road” with Pilera-supported mobile capability. Contact us today!


Massachusetts Condo Building

Long thought of as an alternative to single-family homes, condos in Massachusetts are fast becoming the property of choice — and they have the prices to prove it.

The price gap across the state has been steadily narrowing, and as of May 2014 it stood at $20,000 — the average cost of a condo is now $320,000 and the average cost of a single family home is $340,000. And condo prices in Boston have soared far out of the reach of middle-class families, reaching an average price per square foot of $728. Luxury condos have risen to $1,188 per square foot.

So what’s happening? The spike in prices is caused by consumer demand, so why are so many homebuyers choosing condos? It boils down to two words — convenience and amenities.

It used to be that a family would look at a prospective house as a project, something that would allow them to roll up their sleeves, throw in some elbow grease, and make it truly theirs. Big back yards and swimming pools used to be selling points. But not any more.

Families now are looking for concierge services and someone else to tend to the grass in the summer, the leaves in the fall, and the snow in the winter. They want tennis courts, gyms, common rooms for parties, and move-in-ready condition, and they’re willing to pay for it.

The housing market always has plenty of twists and turns, so it’s hard to say if this trend will last. But for now, at least, condos are it.

Pilera is a best-of-class, easy-to-use, comprehensive online property management solution for apartments, condos, and associations. Pilera provides the easiest, most comprehensive data management capability available to property managers, leasing agents, boards of directors, and back-office personnel. Quickly and easily access whatever you need, whenever you need it, from wherever you need to be with office or mobile phone connectivity. You are never out of touch. Act on the document/information accessed from the office or “on-the-road” with Pilera-supported mobile capability. Contact us today!


residents at a gym in a condo

Choosing your home is a big decision, so you should be sure to weigh the pros and cons before committing to anything.

Pros of Condo Living

Security. Community living is, by nature, more secure than living by yourself. Neighbors will be around to watch out for you and there will always be a door to knock on in case of an emergency. In addition, many condo buildings have doormen or locked entries. For someone who likes greater than average security, condo living could be a good bet.

Amenities. With condo living, your dreams of a pool or tennis court in your backyard could be a reality. And you don’t have to be worth millions! Many people choose condo living for the amenities. Fitness centers, playground, and community grills are all amenities that some condo buildings offer.

Low Maintenance. If for you the thought of home ownership comes along with the terror of shouldering the burden of a new roof on your own, consider a condo. The cost of major repairs is shared among the condo owners, so you’ll never be left dealing with a large repair bill on your own.

Cost. The cost of condo is typically smaller than the cost of a single family home, however, it also comes with monthly fees that could even the cost out.

Cons of Condo Living

Shared Equity. Although you own your condo unit, you share ownership of the land, common areas, and that coveted pool. Before committing to a condo purchase, be sure you’re comfortable with shared equity.

Privacy. Extremely private people may not be comfortable living in a condo. You’ll hear people walking the halls, run into neighbors frequently, and you’ll rarely have private time swimming laps in the pool.

Association Rules. If you live in a condo, you’ll have to abide by the association’s rules. This means you might not be able to make your own decisions about pet ownership or renovations and will have to abide by the conditions and restrictions instead.

Monthly Fees. In addition to your mortgage, you’ll have to pay a monthly fee to the homeowners association. This fee goes toward repairs or maintenance of the property. And even if you don’t use the pool, you’ll have to pay to help maintain it.

Ultimately, it’s up to you. There’s nothing better about a condo or a single-family home. It just depends on your personal preference. So spend some time weighing your decision before you place a call to your realtor.

Pilera is a best-of-class, easy-to-use, comprehensive online property management solution for apartments, condos, and associations. Pilera provides the easiest, most comprehensive data management capability available to property managers, leasing agents, boards of directors, and back-office personnel. Quickly and easily access whatever you need, whenever you need it, from wherever you need to be with office or mobile phone connectivity. You are never out of touch. Act on the document/information accessed from the office or “on-the-road” with Pilera-supported mobile capability. Contact us today!


Retiring to a condo community

Condo living can look pretty good to some retiring Baby Boomers. Kids growing up and building families of their own leaves lots of unneeded space that quickly becomes unwanted space that has to be cleaned.

A smaller space means smaller utility bills, which means plenty of money to travel. Some retirees can even be left with no mortgage when they unload their nearly-paid-off family home and purchase a smaller condo. And moving into a condo during healthy years will pay off as the years go on. Getting rid of a staircase that will someday look treacherous or a lawn that needs mowing or a walk that needs shoveling before doing so becomes a necessity isn’t a bad idea.

There are some cons associated with moving into a condo in retirement, but they have more to do with your hobbies than condo living itself. For example, putterers who love working around the house or gardeners who love getting their hands dirty, or people who would prefer not to deal with neighbors might find condo living difficult. But for those who want to shed maintenance responsibilities, downsize, take advantage of condo amenities, and reduce their cost of living, moving into a condo at retirement is an ideal plan.

Pilera is a best-of-class, easy-to-use, comprehensive online property management solution for apartments, condos, and associations. Pilera provides the easiest, most comprehensive data management capability available to property managers, leasing agents, boards of directors, and back-office personnel. Quickly and easily access whatever you need, whenever you need it, from wherever you need to be with office or mobile phone connectivity. You are never out of touch. Act on the document/information accessed from the office or “on-the-road” with Pilera-supported mobile capability. Contact us today!

Couple in a pool overlooking the city and large buildings. Living the condo life.

When you’re looking to buy a property, a condo can appear to be a great alternative to buying a single-family home. Often you can get more square footage for your dollar. You usually don’t need to concern yourself with things like mowing the lawn or shoveling the sidewalk. And many condo complexes have high-end amenities like swimming pools, gyms, and concierge service.

But think very carefully about the condo lifestyle before you take the plunge. First of all, there are always HOA fees, and depending on how hefty they are, the bargain price of the condo might not be such a bargain after all. Second, be aware that you’re opting for communal living. A house on a large lot of land is a far cry from having common walls with neighbors on both sides. Be sure you’re comfortable living so close to other folks.

Then there are scenarios that most people don’t think about, but probably should. For example, if you have aging parents, it there a possibility they might need to come live with you? If you own a home, you can always make any external and internal changes you like to make things easier for them, but in a condo, not so much. Are you thinking of starting a business? It’s a lot more challenging to set one up in a condo complex than in your own home, and often times it’s downright impossible because of bylaws.

As with anything, there are pros and cons to investing in a condo. As long as you weigh it out and you’re sure the condo lifestyle appeals to you, the choice should be a simple one.

Pilera is a best-of-class, easy-to-use, comprehensive online property management solution for apartments, condos, and associations. Pilera provides the easiest, most comprehensive data management capability available to property managers, leasing agents, boards of directors, and back-office personnel. Quickly and easily access whatever you need, whenever you need it, from wherever you need to be with office or mobile phone connectivity. You are never out of touch. Act on the document/information accessed from the office or “on-the-road” with Pilera-supported mobile capability. Contact us today!