
July 20, 2021: New Customer Support Management Feature!

Greetings! This month, we’re rolling out new features to help you improve your client service operations. Through these new features, you’ll be able to improve two-way communication with your residents and increase transparency with them. We’re talking about a new customer support tool and new resident-facing features! Read along!

New Feature

Important note: All new features and enhancements will be turned on for your company by request only.  If you’d like to enable this feature for your company, please contact [email protected].  

Support Management

The Support Management feature is a popular feature request from our clients. We\’re excited to announce that this new feature is now available!

Watch the Video!

The new Support Management feature empowers you to manage all resident support requests in one centralized place, reduce inbound calls to the office, and resolve your resident’s requests faster. Management companies and communities no longer have to use third-party software to handle incoming requests. Instead, with Pilera\’s robust platform, you can run all of your operations in one platform – maintenance, communications, resident engagement, and more.

Support Management is a new addition to the Help Desk product.  If you currently don’t have the Help Desk product, your company will still have the legacy Contact Management feature.  To learn more about how you can get the new Support Management feature, please contact [email protected].  

Make it easy for residents to contact you

Giving your residents an easy way to communicate with you is vital to the success of your client service operations.  Through Pilera’s new Support Management tool, residents can submit a support request directly from the portal, attach documents or photos, view updates, and respond to their manager*.  As a result, you\’ll see increased resident satisfaction and a decline in inbound phone calls to the office.

Keep your Client Services team aligned

Pilera\’s Support Management feature empowers you to manage all support tickets in one place from start to finish so that your client services team is aligned and efficient. Assign a support request to a manager, set a due date, and keep everyone in the loop with internal comments.  

All your resident support requests are stored in one unified platform

Scrolling through endless email chains to find that one piece of information is now a thing of the past.  Pilera automatically tracks every action on a request so you know what was done.  For example, for each ticket, you’ll see who it was assigned to and when, status changes, and comments from managers and residents.

Plan your day accordingly with Dashboards

The Support Dashboard is a powerful way to gain insights on support tickets at a portfolio or community level.  You can filter by state, category, dates, assignee, and more to further drill down your data.  The powerful filters help you plan your day and manage your team’s workload so that no requests are forgotten.

Run your business more efficiently with powerful reports

Pilera\’s many powerful reporting options enable you to make decisions to run your business and client service operations more efficiently. Firstly, the Community-level reports empower you to effectively convey the value you provide and win the trust of your Board or executive team. Secondly, Portfolio-level reports such as the Ticket Analytics Reports help you analyze how much work each community is generating and if you need to shift staff workload.  


Residents can now view violations directly in the portal

Residents can now view their open rule violations directly in the portal.  They can also comment on the violation ticket* to ask their manager a question or to inform them that they have resolved the issue.   If you’d like to have this new feature enabled for your company, please contact [email protected]

Residents can now view unit activity logs in the portal

Similarly, residents can now view and comment on Unit Activity Logs in the resident portal.*  This new enhancement enables you to improve two-way communication with your residents on important correspondence related to their unit.  If you’d like to have this new feature enabled for your company, please contact [email protected]

*Note that although we have opened up Rule Violations, Activity Logs, and Support tickets to the residents, their ability to view or comment on a ticket is based on the occupant permissions a manager sets.  These permissions give managers granularity on a ticket level. Thus, managers can choose to share certain tickets with residents or restrict access to manager-only. 

Improved visibility of additional features in the app

We\’ve improved the visibility of additional features that you currently do not have in the app so you can learn how those features can benefit your company or communities. These pages will provide additional detail on what the feature entails and how you can use it for your company. You can take any feature for a test drive by signing up for a free trial for your entire company or certain communities.   

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier property management software that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. May we help your community achieve these success storiesContact us so you can see how Pilera’s community management suite can increase work efficiency for your company.

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