
Work Order Reporting to Make Informed Decisions

Work Order Reporting to Make Informed Decisions

Note: This blog article was updated in 2023 to reflect the latest Pilera work order features.

As a community or property manager, your role encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, including effectively managing maintenance. However, community management teams are often overwhelmed with lost work orders and staff burnout. To help your team stay organized, boost efficiency, and improve client satisfaction, we\’ve compiled a list of reports in Pilera that your team can utilize.

The brand new Ticket Charts feature in Pilera gives you visual insights into work orders and other ticket types in your community or across your entire portfolio. In the work order charts, you can get insights on:

  • The trend of open versus closed tickets over time.
  • A breakdown of work orders by priority.
  • A breakdown of work orders by category, so you know which type of issues are most common.
  • The percentage of work orders that are open, closed, or have been deleted.
  • Work orders by status – any, new, acknowledged, in progress, in review, on hold, completed, canceled, rejected, or deleted.
  • A breakdown of work orders assigned to managers, board members, or vendors.
Work order charts in Pilera

Community Meeting Report

The Community Meeting Report is a valuable tool to showcase your team\’s efforts to both executive members and board members. This comprehensive report consolidates all relevant tickets from the work order dashboard, based on your specified search criteria, into a concise and easily accessible PDF document.

To get started with this report, select your criteria for this report: community, work order type, status, assignment, category, start date, target date, etc. Then, click on the Community Meeting Report link and choose to view resident or manager comments, or both. Once you’ve added your email address, you can have this report sent straight to your inbox. Take a look!

A sample of the Community Meeting report with the manager and resident comments.

Stale Work Order Reports

The stale work order report is a weekly automated report in a Microsoft Excel format that Pilera sends to help you take action on the most pressing maintenance items.  Be sure to check your inbox every Monday for this report!  This report has 3 tabs: a full list of work orders created that week, work orders that haven\’t been triaged (or assigned) in the past 2 days, and a list of all work orders that haven\’t been touched in 30 days.

Sample of the stale work order report.
Sample of the stale work order report. This specific report displays the work orders that are yet to be assigned to a manager or a vendor.

Get more granular analysis across all your work

The Ticket Analytics Report is a great report to get insights into all of the work your team is doing – work orders, architectural change requests, violations, support tasks, request for proposals, and board tasks. The report aggregates the total number of created, open assigned, and closed work orders per employee and per association or apartment building.  To find the ticket analytics report, simply navigate to Work Orders under the Ticket tab, and click on this reporting option on the right-hand side.  You can then select a date range to generate the report and who you’d like to send it to. 

Now that you’ve generated the report, why don’t you try out a few of these use cases for your business?  

  • Create a pie chart that displays the workload distribution among your staff members for the maintenance tickets created, closed, and open assigned.
  • Create a bar graph displaying how much work each building or community creates for your company. Is Community “A” creating a significantly higher volume of work order requests compared to Community “B”, “C”, and “D”? You may decide to increase their management fees.
  • Take a look at the created and closed work orders. Identify any patterns, such as whether maintenance staff is closing out fewer work orders than creating. Then refer to the charts you’ve created above and identify where you can distribute the workload for better performance and efficiency.  Based on your findings, you\’ll be able to make decisions to assist staff members who may need additional training or an additional hand; or give kudos to your staff members who are meeting or exceeding their goals.
Sample of an employee ticket distribution pie chart that you can create based on the analytics report you generate.

Bonus Tip: With a basic understanding of pivot tables and charts via Excel, you can present all your work order and other efforts to your stakeholders in a visual format. Download our Ticket Analytics Guide to get started. 


As maintenance is a dynamic function of property and community management with many moving parts, having comprehensive reports with the flexibility to generate the information you need is important.  As you continue to manage work orders in Pilera, these reports will help you make more informed tactical and high-level business decisions.  If you’d like to learn more about the reports or have any questions, please contact [email protected] and we’d be happy to help you! 

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. May we help your community achieve these success storiesContact us to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company.

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