
July 2017: Enhanced Ticketing & Activity Log Updates

Pilera Updates - July 2017

Happy Friday Pilera Customers,

We hope you are all having a wonderful summer!  We have some exciting updates for you on our new features, enhancements to existing features, and more.  Without further ado, take a look!

New Features

  • Enhanced Ticketing
    • View ticket assignment across the portfolio – work orders, rule violations, and activity logs.
    • Assign managers and vendors to a ticket.
    • Review assignee\’s workload by viewing all tickets assigned to them.
    • Pull portfolio-level ticket reports in PDF or Excel formats.  Learn more about this new feature!
  • Work Order Reports
    • Managers can now generate a summary report of work orders on-demand for monthly meetings.
    • Print single or multiple print sheets of tickets for the maintenance staff.
  • Activity/Incident/Call Log
    • All existing activity logs and incident records have been converted to tickets for improved organization.
    • Added ability to track categories and sub-categories of calls/activity/incident type.
    • Assign a task/ticket to a staff member with automatic notification about the assignment.
    • Dashboard to view all open activities assigned to a staff member.
    • Added ability to view all open calls/activity/incident across the portfolio.
    • Ability to export all calls/activity/incident occurrences in a community.
    • Filter on type of calls/activity/incident at a community or portfolio level.
  • TOPS Integration
    • Create TOPS service requests in TOPS through Pilera.
    • View TOPS service requests, work orders and CC&Rs in Pilera.
  • C3 Integration
    • Managers can now print mailing labels to send letters to those residents who do not have a working email address


  • Resident Side Services & Portal
    • Resident login information now loads faster.
    • Residents can now view Pilera help topics in the resident portal.
    • Residents can now view their account number in Pilera.
  • Communications
    • Added capability for residents to opt out or unsubscribe from phone communication at the end of the call.
    • Drastically increased the outbound text/minute rate by 15 times the previous rate.
    • Improved communication template for better mobile support.
  • Work Order
    • A new option “irrigation” has been added in the common area work order type category.
    • Automated report failure email content is improved.
    • The ticket assignment email now includes a description of the ticket, the community name, along with other improvements to verbiage.
    • Ability to show company level instructions on the work orders PDF print-out.
    • Work order emails sent to managers now includes the work order number for improved ease in ticket follow-up.
  • Rule Violations
    • A new option “Late/Delinquent Payment” has been added as a type category.
  • Emails
    • Email user interface and design have been enhanced, including improved rendering in MS Outlook.
  • Other Enhancements
    • Created several custom forms for our community clients including pool forms and architecture change request forms.
    • Search view improved in all ticket modules when Google Chrome view is expanded.
    • Password reset page user interface has been improved.
    • Managers can now “pretend” to be a resident for customer support.
    • For security purposes, residents requesting new access must enter four characters to view list of matching community.
    • Improved password reset functionality.

Other Fixes

  • Work Orders
    • A .png image file attached to a ticket now displays a preview.
    • An error in which ticket reports only displayed 25 tickets has been fixed and now displays all existing tickets.
    • Fixed an error in which assigning yourself to a ticket renders a submission error.
    • Work order email now contains the most recent comment associated with the ticket.
    • Images will only be printed out from the work order ticket when requested.
    • Enhanced formatting of the ticket columns in common area and unit work orders.
    • In the add unit work order popup, you can now add a space after “u” when searching for a unit number and occupant.
  • Activity Log
    • The “Assign To” radio button selections have been corrected in the add occupant event log.
    • Improved the formatting of the subject line in the occupant log entry.
    • The settings button has been removed from the Event Logs page so as to avoid redirection to the Work Order page.
  • Communications
    • The custom branding borders have been fixed for Gmails and Yahoo emails.
  • Event Notifications
    • The community events page now functions as intended.
  • Other
    • If an occupant is not managed in an accounting software, they will not see the accounting module or receive an error.


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