
New: Easily Track Guests with Pilera’s New Visitor Management System

Front desk personnel using visitor management software to check a guest in.

As a property manager, front desk staff, or security personnel for gated communities or apartments, ensuring the safety of your premises for your employees, contractors, residents, and guests is the top priority.  At Pilera we’re thrilled to announce a new Visitor Management System that will make it easy for you to track alternate contacts/guests in your community and find information pertaining to them quickly.  The new feature enables you to save your staff time while protecting your community, having peace of mind for everyone, and making a good impression on your guests and residents.   

Save time with Pilera\’s new visitor management system

Your residents can add in their own guests in Pilera, their contact number and address, as well as note the type of guest.  This saves management time as they instantly know who the resident has approved to visit them.  Now, with Pilera\’s new visitor management tool, it’s easier than ever for managers to see all alternate contacts/guests in a community and do a search on their name, occupant name, or unit.  Pilera’s suite of management tools is mobile-responsive, which means that staff can manage visitors anywhere.  

Protect your community and gain peace of mind for all

The new visitor management system helps property managers, front desk staff, and security personnel to instantly identify the type of guest, the purpose of the visit, the resident they’re visiting, if they are an emergency contact, any special needs they may have, or even if that guest is not allowed on the property or community.  Protect your community by knowing who is entering the community or building and gain peace of mind for your staff, residents, their families, and guests.  

Always connect a guest to a resident

Guests are tracked at a person-level.  Even if an owner owns multiple units, you can easily find the contact associated with that owner.  Notes associated with the contact can help you better identify them and their purpose for visiting.  

Detailed guest, owner and unit information at your fingertips

When a guest or visitor arrives at your community or property, you’ll have all relevant information at your fingertips.  The visitor management tool provides a direct link to access each contact, the resident they are associated with, or the unit they are associated with.  You can quickly open the record to lookup or edit contact information, as well as update the notes section.  Notes can be used to detail specific information about a guest, such as to contact them only in an emergency.  You can even use it to track when they last entered the community or if they require any assistance.  The visitor management system helps you ensure the safety of your community, better manage compliance with respect to guest policies, and provide a welcoming experience to your resident’s guests. 

How can I get Visitor Management for my community or building?

The Visitor Management feature is included in Pilera’s Condo & Rental product, which gives managers enhanced tracking capability for resident data such as leases, insurance, pets, alternate addresses, and more.  Pilera’s product offering is a-la-carte, which means that you can pick and choose the products your business or individual communities need.  No more paying extra for products you don’t need!  If you would like to learn more about how the Condo & Rental product or Pilera’s suite of property management tools can benefit your communities today, connect with us at [email protected].    

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. May we help your community achieve these success stories? Contact us to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company.

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