
June 2023: Update Multiple Tickets at Once & Other Updates!

Greetings! This month we’ve added two new exciting updates to our ticketing system, so your team can spend less time on repetitive actions and focus more on improving the resident experience. Read on to learn more about these new enhancements! Plus, get a quick recap of the new additions to our ticketing system this year!

1) Update multiple tickets at once

Earlier this year, we introduced bulk actions for tickets with the ability to duplicate tickets.   In this month’s release, you can now edit multiple tickets at once, enabling your team to save time and eliminate redundant actions!  Additionally, this new enhancement is a great way to triage and prioritize new tickets as they come in. 

This new enhancement is available across all ticket types including work orders, rule violations, architectural change requests, activity logs, support tickets, tasks, and the new RFP! When selecting tickets to update, you can edit these fields at the same time:

  • Status
  • Assignee
  • Priority
  • Due Date
  • Comment

When updating the tickets in bulk, you can also choose to send out email notifications to assignees, vendors, and residents at the same time. 

Edit tickets in bulk feature.

2) Create tickets directly from the dashboard

You asked, and we listened!  Our clients wanted a quicker way to create tickets in the app, so we just released a new enhancement where managers, board members, and residents can create tickets directly from the dashboard! 

Quick Recap: New Ticketing System Features & Enhancements

1) New RFP Management

Last month, Pilera introduced a new partnership with RFP Plus, a collaborative request for proposal platform that empowers your team to get better bids for your community projects. RFP Plus is offering Pilera customers and new users free access to its platform within our app until 2024 – sign up today!  

2) View email responses directly in the ticket

When vendors and assignees respond to a ticket, their responses will automatically be tracked within the ticket itself. This new enhancement brings all your conversations about a ticket in one place, eliminating the need to search your email for a response!  Read more in our April release notes!

3) Ticket Attachment Updates

Recently, we’ve introduced many new enhancements to make managing attachments in your tickets easier!

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management software that has helped thousands of community managers enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. To learn how Pilera can help to improve efficiency and reduce costs, book a personalized demo

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