
2022 Year In Review: Discussion Board & Ticket Enhancements

Greetings and welcome to our 2022 Year in Review!  In this blog post, we’re reflecting on the improvements we’ve made to our property management software and our roadmap for 2023.  As an active software development company, we’re constantly releasing new enhancements and features to simplify our clients’ work every day.   Our clients’ feedback largely shapes the new features we develop and we’re grateful for your continued support!  Let’s dive in!

New Features

Resident Discussion Board

Many community members use social media or public tools such as Facebook Groups or Next Door to discuss community issues without the oversight of management. Pilera’s new discussion board enables you to bring community conversations “in-house”.  That way, you can address issues before they spiral out of control while still increasing resident engagement.  Get all the details about the New Discussion Board in our release notes!

Email Reply Tracking

Have you often endlessly searched through your email inbox trying to find a resident’s response to your email?  If so, you will love the new email reply tracking feature in Pilera!  Pilera now maintains a history of all email conversations with your residents directly in the Message Center or in the resident’s profile.  Read more about real-time email reply tracking here! 

Message Export Report

The new Message Export report, popularly requested by our clients, gives you a permanent archive of your community’s messages for offline use.  The report is packed with useful information for every message you send out, including who sent it, recipients which includes distribution groups, number of recipients, and much more.  Read about the new feature here!

Upgraded Dashboard

The dashboard, which provides managers, board members, and residents with a live snapshot of their tasks and requests, gets a brand-new look!  We changed this to give our clients a simplified view of their assigned work and recent community messages.  For residents, it’s also easier to see a list of all their requests, recent messages, and community information.  See what has changed in the dashboard here!


Client Service Ticketing Enhancements

Through the ticketing system, you can manage work orders, support, activity logs, architectural change requests, violations, and tasks from start to finish.  In the past year, we’ve made several enhancements to the ticketing system to improve your workflow:

  • As a manager, you can now edit or remove comments in any ticket.  Additionally, Pilera provides an audit trail of all comments that were removed and their location.  
  • Easily add or remove attachments in a ticket without having to edit the ticket.  
  • The rich text editor is now available for all ticket alert templates to help you customize the look and feel of your alerts.
  • The PDF Print Sheet remains a client favorite and to make it more relevant, our clients can now directly access a ticket from the PDF itself.
  • The detailed XLS report for all tickets now contains more information such as event history, location, occupant permissions, and more!
  • The audit trail now shows you who received an email notification for a ticket.  For example, you can see which vendors received an email notification on a work order ticket.
  • When creating a resident support ticket, you can now choose to notify a Community Contact or not. 

In-app alert notifications

Every week, Pilera posts new notifications to keep our clients informed about new features, webinars, special offers, best practices, and more!  We changed the placement of in-app alerts to the top of the page to improve the client experience.  

Brand New in 2023: EverView Integration for Postal Mailing

Earlier this month, we announced our brand-new integration with EverView for postal mailing (formerly OSG). Through this integration, you can automatically send your letters to EverView for printing and mailing. Pilera’s advanced recipient segmentation and branding options combined with EverView’s reliable postal mailing platform get your letters delivered how you want. Check out the new feature here!

Coming Soon

We have several new updates that we\’re excited to share with you! Here are a few new enhancements we\’re working on!

  1. The Message Center will soon show a history of outgoing ticket messages sent to vendors.
  2. We will be introducing more granular assignment options for tickets. Soon, you will be able to assign work orders to a staff member in your vendor database.
  3. We\’re also improving the workflow of tickets to help you triage your work. Soon, you will be able to set a default assignee to a ticket and they can then triage the work that needs to be done. You will also be able to change the default assignee when you need to, such as when a staff member goes on vacation.

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier property management software that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel improve customer service. Request a personalized demo so you can learn how Pilera’s community management suite can increase work efficiency for your company.

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