
March 30, 2021 Release Notes: Document Library Import & Export, Communication Enhancements & More!

March has definitely been a busy month here at Pilera, and we have many feature updates and enhancements to share with you! In our second release this month, you’ll learn about the new document library imports, exports, and backup features. We’ve also released a vast number of feature enhancements to make your work simpler.  Then, stay tuned till the end for an exciting update on our QuickBooks Online integration!  Let\’s get started…

New Features

Document Library Import

Management companies and communities can now request to import documents into the document library for their community(ies). New clients that have a collection of existing documents, as well as current clients that are onboarding new communities, can request an import of their documents.  The document import will honor your folder structure so that all of your files are organized in the portal.  More information on this functionality will be available shortly in the New Community Setup, New Client Setup, and Configuration Change Request forms within Pilera Resources.    

Document Library Export

Companies can now request an export of their community(ies)’ document library so they can take their files offline.  The export will preserve the customer’s folder structure.  Managers can request a document library export through the Configuration Change Request form in Pilera Resources within the app. 


Custom “From Name” now displays in the resident message center

In the Reply-To settings, managers are able to set a custom “From name” that displays as the sender name. As of this release, the resident message center will now display the “From name” (community name, for example) instead of the name of the manager who sent the email. 

Distribution Groups update

In January 2021, we introduced a powerful new feature enabling managers to configure their own distribution groups by location and people.  This month, we’ve enhanced the ability for managers to easily search for and add on-site managers to the distribution group.

Activity Logs in the Manager Dashboard

Through the manager dashboard, managers can now see all their assigned Activity Logs and quickly access those tickets.

Document Library:

We’ve improved the user experience for client-level files in the document library by removing a limitation where you could only share a file 32 times.  For example, when a manager shares a client-level file in 50 locations, they can now expand to see all communities they have shared the file with. The “Show in Tree” functionality enables managers to see where the file is located in the document library tree.

Work Orders Reports

We’ve updated the verbiage on the Work Order Summary and Detail reports as well as the Print Ticket Sheets to say “Due Date” to match the ticket fields.


  • We’ve enhanced ticket notifications so that when a manager comments on a ticket but makes no other changes, the assignee will receive an email notification. Due to privacy and permissions, we still do not display manager-only comments in emails.  
  • In the ticket dashboard, we’ve improved the “reset” function so that it defaults to the one-year date range.

Vendor App

The vendor app updates include a few improvements when adding staff, removing vendors from a vendor set, and adding a license expiration date to the record.


We’ve improved the date picker for the license expiration date and insurance expiration date fields in the pets module.

Help Icon removed from Mobile

Earlier this year, we added a new Help icon throughout our app to provide our customers with quick access to help articles about Pilera functionality.  Since the help icon was hindering access to important functions on a mobile device, we have removed it.  However, you can still access the help icon and our built-in help center while using Pilera on your desktop and tablet devices. 

Feature Fixes

Welcome Message

Previously, welcome messages that managers sent from the occupant profile page showed the sender as “Registration” in the message center.  That has now been enhanced to display the sender as the employee who sent the welcome message.

Work Order Ticket Tables

In the March 2nd update, we’ve modified the work order ticket tables to make it easier to prioritize your tickets.  This month, we’ve made a small user interface fix to the Due Date column.  Previously, when you removed a due date from a ticket, it would say “NAN” until you refreshed the page.

Integration Updates

QuickBooks Online

In your community, it’s very possible that a unit may be owned by multiple owners (primary and secondary owners).  Primary owners are added to QuickBooks as Customers, whereas secondary owners are added in QuickBooks Online as Sub-Customers.  We’re thrilled to announce that we can now bring both Customers and Sub-Customers into Pilera and display the financial balance and ledger for both.

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. May we help your community achieve these success storiesContact us to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company.

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