
August 28, 2018: Work Order Templates & Message Center Update

August 28th 2018 release notes in Pilera


Last month, we have had two very exciting releases.  In the August 1st release, you\’ve learned about our new document library functionalities, which will help your communities to organize folders and files across your entire portfolio and make sharing files to your residents easier.  Along with the document library, we also released enhancements to our existing communications and maintenance products.  In the August 28th release, our developers created a new feature, Work Order Response templates, that we\’re happy to share with you!  Let\’s take a look at the new release!

New Feature:

Work Order Response Templates:

  • Managers can create predetermined responses that they can add to a work order ticket.  This saves managers time and eliminates the manual input of redundant information as they manage maintenance projects across multiple communities.
    Add quick comment to a work order.
  • We’ve created a new administrative role in Pilera called the Template Admin, whom Company Administrators can assign to manage templates across multiple communities.
  • Work order templates can be added to multiple communities at once.  This can be done when creating a new template or updating an existing one
  • Managers who have been assigned the Template Admin role can add a subject, content, and description to the template.  They can also specify whether other community admins/managers are allowed to modify the quick comment in the template or not.
    Create a work order comment template


  • Message Center
    • We’ve added two new categories, Unit activity log and Occupant activity log to the message center for managers who receive these email notifications.  The information that managers will see in the message center include the community name, subject, description, activity log number, log type, contact person, status, and who the ticket is assigned to.
  • New Document Library
    • Managers can now notify community members of new documents that have been uploaded to their community based on permissions they’ve set and different user roles in Pilera.  Managers can notify other managers, board members, owners, tenants, and other occupants of new file uploads.
    • We’ve added the capability to replace an existing file in the new document library.  When replacing the file, the characteristics of the original file (name and description) will remain the same, while the file is updated to all other communities in which the file has been shared in.

About Pilera

Pilera Software is a premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers, board members, and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations.  May we help your community achieve these success storiesRequest a demo today to see our products live in action or request a quote!


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