
Introducing Pilera\’s New Vendor Management App!

Vendor Management; photo of tools.

Managing vendor\’s information is a significant, yet demanding task for community and property managers. Maintaining compliance with state and federal regulations, managing/mitigating organizational risk, and enhancing customer service to residents/owners are a few essential reasons to implement a vendor management system. It\’s also no easy feat to manually keep up with changing vendor information and evolving community policies.

With our newest feature, Vendor Management, we aim to help you simplify the tracking of all your vendor details. Our Vendor Management App provides managers and staff with comprehensive tools to track, search, approve, rate, and assign vendors. We list out your key operational benefits from using Pilera’s vendor management feature daily.

Track key vendor contact and insurance information

Details for every vendor is available to you at your fingertips.  Keep track of vendor contact information, billing and physical addresses, insurance expiration dates and amounts, payment renewal dates, and any additional notes to help staff members take the appropriate action. You can categorize each vendor for ease in search and to identify types of work and tickets they can perform. Tracking vendors on a community or portfolio level gives a deeper insight into vendor performance and other information.

Gain Portfolio and Community-Level insights

Pilera provides staff and managers the ability to track vendors on both community and portfolio level.  You’ll be able to gain deep insights into vendor performance and other information.  View tickets assigned to a vendor across the entire portfolio or within the community.  Additionally, all tickets that are currently not assigned can be reviewed. 

Robust search capabilities

If you have a long list of vendors you contract for maintenance jobs in your community(ies), then you need to have a fast way to obtain their information.  With our advanced search function, you can filter on several categories or sort by unique criteria to obtain relevant result.

Easily set vendor preferences

Pilera gives you an easy way to select multiple communities to assign to a vendor or multiple vendors to assign to one or more communities. Redundancy is reduced by creating vendor templates that can be applied each time you on-board a new building/community/association.

Evaluation of vendors is easy with performance ratings

When it comes down to evaluating your vendor’s performance, don’t leave it all to memory or the multiple files stored on your computer.   You can rate each vendor on a scale of five and mark the best ones as preferred.  Preferred vendors are displayed at the top for associated tickets so your staff will know who to contact first.

Assign vendors to work orders

You don\’t have to spend a considerably long time scrolling through a spreadsheet to identify your main point of contact. Assign and automatically send out an email to both the resident and vendor directly within Pilera.  Only those vendors who perform specific types of work will be populated in the vendor options based on the work ticket category.  For example, a work order ticket for applying mulch to the community garden will populate vendors who focus on landscaping.  Additionally, only those vendors who are approved to work in the community will be populated in the drop-down.   Upon ticket creation, the vendor will receive an email of the service job details.

Pilera is your all-in-one community management suite for communications, work orders, rule violations, activity tracking, document management, accounting integration, and more. To learn more about how we can help simplify your vendor management and tracking process and see this new feature in action, you can contact us or schedule a demo.

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