
How to Manage Your Portfolio Efficiently with Pilera

Community of homes/condominiums

There\’s no time to lose when you\’re managing numerous properties or associations.  Thus, it’s important to use software that will help managers to gain high-level insight into their portfolios.  The software should be flexible and a time-saver, so they can make tough decisions with more ease.  Last year, our developers created several new features with the portfolio approach in mind to help managers operate more efficiently.  

Let’s discuss what community/property managers can do with our portfolio management system:

  1. Get smart, high-level insights and reporting

    Managers can create different types of tickets in Pilera: work orders, rule violations, and activity logs.  These can be assigned to the manager themselves or others in the organization.  The dashboard provides a global view of work orders, activity logs, and rule violations across all communities.  The filter capabilities such as date ranges, who the ticket is assigned to, ticket category, and more allows managers to dive into the details they need at any given moment.  That way, they can concentrate on essential information and make informed decisions quicker as the company continues to grow.  

  2. Global reporting

    Furthermore, there are many reports that are sent to the manager’s inbox on a monthly basis: work orders that are more than 30 days old, invalid resident email and text numbers, and more. Any report can also be generated on-demand.  Managers can thus spend less time searching for data and focus more on the bigger picture.

  3. Perform portfolio-level bulk actions

    Our portfolio-specific actions will help to reduce repetitive activities that may otherwise have been done with multiple applications.  Some of our bulk actions pertain to office hours, vendor management, and document management.  Managers can now add office hours to multiple communities at once.  Additionally, we’ve developed a new vendor management module with strong portfolio-level capabilities.  Staff can manage vendors at a global level by creating a set of multiple vendors which they can apply to several communities together.  The same can be performed with documents.  Now, you can create several document categories and apply it to multiple communities at once, thus saving time.

  4. Customize on a higher-level

    Each community is versatile, and thus requires different solutions to ensure their operational activities are in line with strategic objectives.  Certain communities may require the ability to create work orders for their common areas.  Other communities may need both common area and unit-level work orders.  When you sign up with Pilera, you can customize each community by selecting the functionalities you want each community to have access to.  Thus, you can create a more personalized experience for each community.  Additionally, custom branding for the web portal and for email announcements and newsletters can be set at the company-level or for each community individually.

With an effective system in place to manage your portfolios, managers will be better positioned to manage their brand and make informative decisions in the long-term.  When looking for a software system, it’s important to look for flexibility, customizability and something that’ll help save time and money.  In our updates to Pilera in the past few years and especially in 2017, we’ve put a focus on portfolio management capabilities that’ll help managers to get detailed insights, perform multiple actions quickly, and customize the experience for their team and for their community.          

Pilera Software is a portfolio management software for HOA’s, condominium associations, co-ops, and multi-family rentals.  Our solution offers manager and resident web portals, resident data management, activity tracking, work orders, vendor management, and more.  Can we help you just like these success stories?  Contact us for more information or if you’d like to schedule a demo to see these features live in action.    

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