
Pilera Updates: January 2015

Dear Valued Pilera Customer:
Innovation is our inspiration! We are constantly looking for new and better ways to make your job easier… and 2015 is no exception! Understanding that communication is the heart of your business, we are very excited to share with you all the updates Pilera has for you.


Communication enhancements… More than a phone call!

Digital platforms offer us the alternative of reaching occupants in many ways. E-mails and text messages are nowadays the forms of communication preferred by many. Having this in mind, we have improved our platform with enhancements that will make occupants experience better. These updates include texting capability, improved reliability of phone, e-mail and SMS delivery.


  • We now included an unsubscribe link on all communication emails sent through Pilera. When unsubscribed, Pilera will mark their email to not be used for automated communication.
  • Email communications now use reply-to, which allows an occupant to reply directly to the manager who sent out the email.
  • Improved capability for Pilera to monitor email delivery status, as well as the reliability of the delivery.
  • During nightly synch with the accounting package, Pilera now automatically selects the email as preferred communication preference, if there was no prior email provided.

Phone Calls

  • Messages can now be repeated by pressing “1” by the end of a call.
  • Improved human/machine detection reliability when calls are answered.
  • Added better diagnostic support for ensuring phone call reliability.
  • Added support and quicker delivery for higher call volumes.

SMS Texting

  • Residents can now choose to get their messages via SMS text! At no additional cost to you!!

ALSO… for texting and email, we have language translation options! Now occupants have more than 90 language options to choose from… residents can decide the preferred language they want to recieve their communications.

We also support for phone calls in Spanish language!

Occupant Registration and Welcome Messages, because first impressions are everything!

  • Welcome emails can now be sent to new occupants automatically during nightly synchs. (This option needs to be turned on per community.)
  • Residents can now register on the Pilera login page.
  • Management can now send out welcome messages to the entire community on their own without having to contact Pilera to do it on their behalf.
  • Management can customize a unique welcome message for each community.


Work Orders, with new features!

  • When creating a work order, we populate the occupant\’s phone number automatically.
  • Work order reports now allow for showing or hiding comments.
  • Work order reports can now be downloaded as XLS.
  • When creating a work order, the occupant can be optionally notified via email.


Jenark, making it easier!

  • Mailing labels, of unit billing address, are now available.
  • Unit association ID and account numbers now are shown in the unit detail tab for each resident. Residents can also see their account number.
  • Community drop-down list can contain the community entity in Jenark.

Last but not least, other updates

  • For HOA communities, you can designate the title of the board member. Residents can see the list of board members for their communities.


  • Added the community name to the message recipient preview screen.
  • The main Pilera login page is now cleaner!
  • You can now hide managers and higher-level management from Public viewing.
  • Residents can now add their own \’Guest\’ and \’tenant\’ to the alternate contacts.


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