
March 2017 – New Company Websites and Updates to Work Orders, Integrations, and More!

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Happy 2017 Pilera Customers!

It has been a few months since you last heard from us but we have plenty of great things to show you and in the next few months some really incredible things to show off.

Need a new company website?

Pilera has launched a new company website for ACCU Inc. Check out

  • Based in WordPress allowing easy updating with drag and drop like a standard Pilera Easysite.
  • Responsive and mobile friendly allowing easy viewing on mobile devices.
  • Built with HTTPS and SEO in mind meaning a secure website that is more easily reached by potential and current clients.

Fixing up our Work Orders:

We continue to improve our Pilera work orders making sure they meet all our clients’ needs. This patch we fixed up some of the lesser knowns issues that may have hindered your enjoyment of our product.

  • Now allow photo uploads that were taken on a mobile device.
  • Updated our file handling so multiple images on a ticket can have the same name. This benefit’s mobile device photos which often have no variation in photo name.
  • Fixed an issue where residents could change the created by date on their ticket. This did not modify the original date which was still tracked in our history of the ticket but it could cause some confusion.

Others & Tenant restrictions:

Did you know that for HOA communities, homeowners can manage and track their tenants and other occupants?

  • Owner created tenants and other occupants can update their vehicle and contact information within Pilera while maintaining the communities security by not giving them access to other sections.

Send Multiple Documents and other Send Document functionality improvements:

A long-requested improvement of our send document feature has allowed for a better and more time efficient use of your work day.

  • Send multiple documents in a single email. In the past Pilera only allowed you to send a single document per email. But that limitation is no more.
  • Fully format your send document email. No more ugly blocks of text, when you send a document through email you can add headers, paragraphs, links, etc. to make sure it looks professional.
  • Improved handling of large files and supported file types reducing the potential for errors.
  • Improved error messages so in the case of an error we can better resolve the issue.

Integration Overhauls:

There is a lot of work on the integration front of Pilera as both TOPS and Caliber had large shifts in their API. We hope we made this transition as smooth as possible as we rewrote almost all our integration with both products.

  • We now show user account numbers for residents in Caliber, CINC, C3, VMS, and TOPS.
  • Released Caliber V2 to all our Caliber clients.
    • Fixed financial issue where decimals were not showing.
    • Fixed bug where managers could not update their email address.
    • Prevented and fixed a major bug where Caliber passed over information that could have corrupted phone numbers.
    • Fixed error where PayLease single sign-on was not working with new Caliber API.
  • Enhanced TOPS integration.
    • Fixed a bug with TOPS where we would accept previous owner information into Pilera.

Continuing to learn with our Knowledge Base:

Our knowledge base is getting pushed to its limits as our customers continue to use it more and more. To better improve everyone’s experience with the product we have rolled out some fixes. Learn more about the Pilera Knowledge Base.

  • Fixed a bug where on-site managers could not access the Knowledge Base.
  • Added a limit so that upon exporting a topic great than 32,000 characters the text is truncated. This is due to a limitation where Excel could not handle the information and cause errors.
  • Improved the Knowledge Base export reliability.

Image handling in Marketplace:

The marketplace is one of Pilera’s original functions, we took steps to improve the functionalities image handling

  • Fixed a bug where marketplace allowed unsupported file types to be uploaded causing minor visual errors.


  • Fixed several Easysite visual issues caused by missing styles. Most notably involving the navigation

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