
New WEBINAR! Year End Review – Pilera Features & Enhancements in 2017

Greetings everyone,

We hope everyone is having a fantastic start to the year.  2017 was a great year for us as we released new features and enhanced many of our existing features, and we’re happy to share to those with you!  These new features and enhancements are largely shaped by feedback from our customers’ experiences using our software.  We wholeheartedly all of you for your continued support and providing us feedback that strives us to make Pilera a better product for you everyday.  Let’s dive right in!

Work Order Enhancements

The work order updates included many functionality and UI improvements.  Stronger integration with accounting software, email notification with a PDF generated in real-time, meeting reports and PDF print outs, new ticket fields, improved unit search capabilities, and more.   


Tracking all your tickets in one place is now easier with our new Enhanced Ticketing feature for activity logs, work orders, and rule violations.  With our dashboards, managers can have a bird’s-eye view of the entire portfolio and also drill into the specifics.

Vendor Management App

We released a new vendor app that integrates with our work order systems.  Through the vendor app, community managers can track vendor information contact and insurance expiration information, rate and evaluate vendors, select preferred vendors, and create vendor sets that can be applied to multiple communities at once.


Our communications module now includes enhanced branding for emails and message testing prior to submitting the message.  


Document sending capabilities have been improved with multiple document attachments and the ability to add multiple categories across many communities.  

Knowledge Base

Enhancements to our knowledge base include improved export handling of records through Excel and updates to manager capabilities.  


We’ve made operating community and client admin tools simpler within the app.  Managers can handle community additions or deletions, communication credits orders, and office hours for communities.  

New User Roles

We’ve created and implemented new roles within Pilera for our clients and their communities to have greater flexibility and granularity in their user roles and functionality.  


We hope that you’re just as excited about these new features and enhancements as we are.  Last year, we also enhanced many other functionalities within Pilera, including the marketplace, resident portal, Easysite community websites, partner integrations, and more.  Do you wish to learn more about these new updates and see them live in action? Join our webinar on January 25, 2018!

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