
July 14, 2020 Release: Unit Work Order Details, Message Center & More!

Greetings! In this month\’s release, we\’re back with some enhancements to unit work order details, message center, event calendar, and more.


Security Updates

We have updated our security protocols in the Pilera app this month.

Unit Work Order Details

The list of work orders in the Unit Detail View now displays the ticket ID. Additionally, managers can now edit any completed work order tickets in this view.
Unit work order details

Message Center

In the Message Center, we have fixed the reschedule message function.

Resident updates to pet information

When a resident adds, updates, or deletes pet information in the resident portal, Community Managers will automatically receive an email notification.  In the email, managers will see what the change was and when it was made.

Built-in Community Event Calendar

We\’ve implemented a fix in the built-in event calendar so that it is easier for managers to update the time of the event.

Contact Management

In the resident portal, we changed the verbiage of the “Contact” tab to say “Contact Management” so residents will have a better user experience. 

Board Member Designation in Occupant Listing Page

In the Occupant Listing page, the abbreviation for Board Members who are also managers now displays as “BM” so that it differentiates them from Board members who are residents (“denoted as “B” in our system).

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. May we help your community achieve these success storiesContact us to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company.

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