
4 Ways to use the Work Order Dashboard in Pilera

As a property manager, community manager, or maintenance manager, you are tasked with resolving maintenance issues that your residents submit. Successfully organizing your maintenance tickets means that you can set expectations for the day, make sure no tasks fall through the cracks, and ultimately keep your residents happy. On a higher level, you\’re also responsible for reporting progress and delays to your community board members. When successfully being able to present achievements to your community\’s board members, they\’ll be happy with your services. You can retain them for a longer time. In this blog post, we\’ll review 4 ways to use the work order dashboard in Pilera from when you begin your day to when you need to present reports to your stakeholders.

Tip 1: Organize your workday through the work order dashboard

The work order dashboard is a great tool to plan your day and prioritize the tickets you need to work on.  To get started, select the following criteria and click on search:

  • State – “Open”
  • Status – You can optionally select “new” to drill down further into brand new tickets that haven’t been worked on yet.  
  • Assigned to: Yourself
  • Start and End Dates: Select the date range to see all tickets created within that range.
Work orders

Additionally, if you manage multiple communities and want to see all your open tickets, select “All Your Communities” in the Community field.     

After you’ve clicked on “Search”, you can view a list of all the tickets that meet the criteria.  There are multiple ways in which you can sort your tickets to prioritize your work for the day:

  • Priority: Sort from the most urgent to least urgent tickets.
  • Age: Work on the oldest tickets first and make your way down to the newest tickets.  
  • Due: Work on the tickets that have the nearest due date and work your way to ones that are further out.      
Manage and prioritize work orders

Tip #2: Manage staff workload

Successfully being able to manage your staff’s workload on a busy day helps to increase their productivity and prevent employee burnout.  Also, balancing workload effectively among your staff members helps to reduce the response times to residents.  There are a few ways in which you can manage your staff’s maintenance workload in Pilera.

The first way is to filter the dashboard by assignment and community (or all communities) to see how overwhelmed or not your staff members are.

Work order dashboard

The second way is to run the Ticket Analytics Report which aggregates the number of created, open assigned, and closed work orders (and all other tickets in Pilera) within a certain timeframe.  The report breaks down the data per employee and per community.  Based on the data, you can adjust your staff’s workload so that no one is overwhelmed.  In our Ticket Analytics Report guide, we show you how to create charts to visualize this information.  

Workload distribution

Tip #3: No wasted time with the search function

Whether you have a large volume of work orders you manage for your association or you manage several associations at once, there’s no time to waste.  It’s important to access the work order you’re looking for quickly.  Through the dashboard, you can search a work order ticket by a specific word or phrase in the subject.  For example, you can search for “Broken light” or “Pool” and a list of tickets with that word or phrase in the description will appear.  Additionally, you can search for a work order by its ticket ID to quickly locate the ticket.

Search tickets function in Pilera

Tip #4: Impress your clients

Along with resolving maintenance issues your residents submit, management companies must also be able to prove the value of their services to their association clients.  That means showing all of the work you completed in a given timeframe.  Various reports in Pilera make it easy for you to present information to your board or to company executives. 

The first is the Community Meeting Report. Filter the dashboard for criteria you deem important in display in your reports.  As an example, for your monthly meetings, you can filter for all completed work orders in the past month.  Then, select the “Community Meeting Report”.  This report will display a summary of each ticket in a PDF report: unit and location, status, type, expenditures, schedule, and comments.  You can send this report to yourself, another employee, or to a board member. 

Work order report

The second is the Ticket Analytics Report. This is a handy tool that will give you high-level insights into the work you’re doing for all your communities in one place.  The report shows you how many work orders have been created, open assigned, and have been closed for each community.  Furthermore, this report can help you justify price increases based on the work you’ve done. 

See how much work each community is generating.

The work order dashboard provides a simple way to slice and dice your community(ies) tickets to fit your needs. Manage your workload for the day and instantly know which tickets are the most urgent or overdue. Always know what work order tickets your staff is working on and dig deeper to see how you can help shift workaround if they are overwhelmed. From managing operations to supporting critical business decisions, using the work order dashboard can increase efficiency and keep your communities happy.

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