
August 2022: Ticket Updates – Reports, Comments, Files & More!

Tickets update - reports, comments, and files.

Greetings! This month, we\’re releasing many updates to our Ticketing System to improve the manager experience. These updates include running reports, modifying comments, managing files, and much more!

Ticketing Enhancements

Edit/Remove Comments in Tickets

Many of our clients requested the ability to edit comment tickets, and we’re excited to announce this new enhancement is now available! Managers and board members can now edit and
remove their comments on each ticket. The ticket event section shows a history of all removed comments and their location in the ticket.

Edit or remove ticket comments, which also now show in the ticket events section.

Directly access tickets from the PDF Print Sheet

The PDF Print Sheet feature continues to be a client favorite for many years now!  We’re excited to share that you can access a ticket right from the PDF Print Sheet!  This means less time spent finding a ticket and more time for things that matter most – board and resident satisfaction!  Simply click on the ticket ID from your PDF Print Sheet download and you’ll be prompted to sign in to access the ticket. 

Directly access a ticket through the PDF print sheet.

Detailed Excel Report Improvements

  • You can now run Detailed XLS reports on every type of ticket in Pilera, including Architectural Change Requests, Insurance, and more.
  • The Detailed XLS Report for tickets now includes additional fields such as:
    • Event history – See all changes made to a ticket, including attachments that were removed or added, comment edits/deletes, and notification recipients.  
    • Location – For unit work orders, common area work orders, rule violations, and ACRs.
    • Occupant permission – See which tickets residents can view, comment on, or are hidden.  
    • Account number
    • Complete contact information
    • Created by
  • Each ticket type has its own dedicated tab in the XLS reports.

Ticket event section now shows who was notified

The events section in each ticket type now shows who was notified.  In addition, when assigning a work order to a vendor, the events section will now show that a vendor was sent an email notification. 

Ticket event history shows that vendors have been notified.

Support Ticket Notifications Alert

  • Notifications – When managers create support tickets, they can now choose whether to notify Community Contacts or not.  If you choose to notify them, you will also see which managers will get the notification.
  • Issue Alerts – When a support ticket is created, email notifications go out to managers who are assigned the Support “Community Contact” role.  If a Community Contact role has not been assigned in your community, we now display an alert in the dashboard.  To start receiving support ticket notifications, managers can go to the User Roles Administration page and assign the role. 
When managers create a support ticket, they can notify the Community Contact Role if they choose.

Manage Ticket Attachments

In Pilera, you can now add and remove attachments to tickets easily without having to edit the ticket.  In the ticket attachment section, managers can see the name of the attachment, who uploaded it, and when.  The event history section of the ticket shows who uploaded or removed an attachment and when. 

Ticket attachments now have the uploaded by and date of upload.

In-app alert enhancement

New location for Pilera’s in-app alerts

Every week, Pilera posts notices within the app to help our customers learn more about how they can use new or current features.  To improve the user experience, we’ve now moved the in-app alerts to the top of the app.  You can also temporarily hide the alerts by clicking the “x” button.  That will last until the next time you log in.


Board Member ARCs

Board members can now delete their own comments in the Architectural Change Request tickets.

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management software that has helped thousands of community managers enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. To learn how Pilera can help to improve efficiency and reduce costs, book a personalized demo

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