
January 22, 2019: New Master Report for Tickets


We hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the new year!  We\’re elated to bring you new features to our community management software, which includes a new portfolio report, exporting capabilities for the community directory, and several enhancements.

New Features:

  1. Master Report
    A new feature we’ve added that enhances our portfolio-level management capabilities is the Master Report.  The Master Report aggregates all ticket types into an Excel report based on the conditions a manager specifies.  Managers can pull a report on one specific community or across the portfolio. Additional filters that managers can use to customize their report are:

    • State of the ticket (open, closed, or deleted)
    • Who the ticket is assigned to – yourself, a staff member, or vendor
    • Start and End dates
    • Modification date
    • Type of report – detail or summary
    • Type of ticket – Common area work orders, unit-level work orders, rule violations, occupant activity logs, and unit activity logs.
      Master report in Pilera

      Managers can send the report to themselves, to board members, and/or to community managers. (PVP-3850).  Note: Board members and community managers can only be sent the Master Report when a specific community is selected.  When selecting a portfolio-wide report, the ability to send the Master Report to board members and community managers is turned off by default for safety purposes.

  2. Community Directory Exporting & Printing
    In November 2018, we released a new Community Directory feature in which residents can opt-in to share their contact information with the rest of the community and view a listing of all other community members who have opted-in.  In this release, we’ve added the capability for managers to copy, export to Excel and PDF, and print out the Community Directory.
    Community Directory PDF


  1. Communications
    • We now provide better clarification in the document email sent to residents via the Send Document feature.  The email now states that the document will expire in 6 months and provide the expiration date.
    • When sending a file through the Send Document feature, managers can now select “All Units on Floor”.
  2. Maintenance
    • We’ve improved the UI of the work order dashboard area to better display the ticket state (open, closed, or deleted).
  3. Tickets
    • A new help article has been added near the Occupant Permissions field to provide managers with assistance on how to use the permissions.

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