
Meet the New User Roles in Pilera!

Individuals happily working together. Courtesy: Pexels.

Greetings everyone,

We’re excited to share our newly implemented user roles and how your team can utilize them.  These new roles within Pilera are founded upon the feedback our customers provided to us and reflect the features they want to see in our software.  We thank them wholeheartedly for their constant support and feedback that strives us to improve our software features!  

Through these new roles, we aim to provide our community managers and staff with greater  flexibility and controls with more personalized, focused experiences.  Without further ado, meet our new roles!

  1. Company Administrator

    The role of a company administrator is at the top of the hierarchy and will be able to assign roles to employees throughout the organization.  Company admins can delegate roles within their company, in one community, or within multiple communities at once.

  2. Vendor Administrator

    The role of a vendor administrator within Pilera has company-wide access to vendor functionalities.  The vendor admin can add and remove vendors, update contact and insurance information, assign vendors to communities, and create vendor sets.  With vendor sets, vendor admins can quickly apply a pre-picked list of vendors to new communities.

  3. Community Manager

    Community managers are responsible for handling the daily operations of their community(ies).  As such, the company administrator will assign at least one community manager to a community.  Have more than one employee managing community operations?  No problem – you can assign as many community managers as you need to. Within their communities, community managers will:

    • Receive emails when residents post to the Marketplace, change their contact information, and send registration requests.
    • Assign existing vendors to their communities in order to send those vendors work orders.
    • Assign other employees to community manager and community contact roles.  To initiate the setup, company admins only need to assign one person as the community manager.  Then, the assigned community manager can assign others to the same role.
  4. Community Contact

    Who do your residents need to contact to confirm a clubhouse booking, request vendor services, or inform you of new contact information? A community contact serves as a primary point of contact for residents.  The community contact will receive and respond to resident’s question and comments.  Furthermore, the contact information for these designated individuals will be easily accessible to residents under the Contacts tab within the resident UI for the assigned community.

Pilera Software is a premiere community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers, board members, and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations.  May we help your community achieve these success stories? Contact us today for any questions about our software or these new roles!

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