
There’s no question that the sea change in the way we communicate over the past 20 years has made life a lot simpler in a lot of different ways. If you grew up in a world before cell phones, e-mail, and electronic documents, you can truly appreciate what a fundamental shift it’s been that affects all aspects of our day-to-day lives.

Of course, there’s no reward without risk. Data breaches have become commonplace of late, and hacking scandals continue to make headlines. Every time it seems that technology has found a way to make data secure, something happens to shatter that illusion.

Because of the sensitive nature of condo association documents, they have, for the most part, remained hard copy and offline. That’s good news for security purposes, but it can make it a challenge if residents wish to review any of the information, or if they need to get in touch with whoever is keeping the documents safe.

Condo associations that have voted to institute electronic transfer of information are able to keep residents aware of any relevant information in real-time, and all at once instead of piecemeal. Another advantage is electronic voting for officers and on important condo-related decisions. Usually, these votes have to take place in person at condo association meetings, which not everyone is able to attend.

When weighing out whether or not electronic communications are worth it, many condo associations test the waters first with an opt-in, hybrid version first. They maintain the hard copy, in-person model that they’ve always had, but add an electronic option for those who prefer it. Still, the security risks are very real, and a disgruntled resident can cause major havoc and even lawsuits with a simple “Forward to All” e-mail.

If your condo association is considering moving into the digital age, be sure to do plenty of research first. It will be a much easier sell if you can address any and all security concerns right up front.

Pilera is a best-of-class, easy-to-use, comprehensive online property management solution for apartments, condos, and associations. Pilera provides the easiest, most comprehensive data management capability available to property managers, leasing agents, boards of directors, and back-office personnel. Quickly and easily access whatever you need, whenever you need it, from wherever you need to be with office or mobile phone connectivity. You are never out of touch. Act on the document/information accessed from the office or “on-the-road” with Pilera-supported mobile capability. Contact us today!


Several residents meeting one another.

Different properties tend to have typical rental cycles, depending on their residents. For example, properties in cities with a lot of students tend to turn over apartments either at the beginning or end of the summer. Of course, when students graduate, there isn’t much property owners can do to entice them to stick around. New jobs in new cities or the low rent available in childhood homes are difficult to compete with. However, if your tenants are not students or if you want to keep students in their apartments until the end of their college careers, there are a few things you can do to keep your lease renewals high.

The top three factors people cite when discussing their decisions to renew are maintenance services, safety and security, and customer service. If you deliver these on these factors all the time, you can be certain to keep your renewal rate high.

When tenants call with a maintenance issue or show up in the leasing office asking for help, send someone over quickly with the tools they’ll likely need to fix the problem. Doing so keeps tenants happy and makes the management team look efficient.

People should always feel safe in their homes, whether they’re behind a locked door or crossing the parking lot. Make sure your property is well-lit and that burned-out bulbs in fixtures are replaced quickly. If incidents like theft or vandalism take place on the property, inform tenants quickly so that they can take extra precautions, and work with law enforcement to resolve the issue quickly.

Finally, keep customer service top of mind all the time. Make sure that you and your employees always greet tenants with a smile. Put them at ease when they express a concern. And most importantly, make sure you have a team in place that genuinely cares about your tenants and their homes.

Pilera is a best-of-class, easy-to-use, comprehensive online property management solution for apartments, condos, and associations. Pilera provides the easiest, most comprehensive data management capability available to property managers, leasing agents, boards of directors, and back-office personnel. Quickly and easily access whatever you need, whenever you need it, from wherever you need to be with office or mobile phone connectivity. You are never out of touch. Act on the document/information accessed from the office or “on the road” with Pilera-supported mobile capability. Contact us today!

photo credit: doc(q)man via photopin cc