
Smart Summer Travelers Choose Vacation Rentals

Beachfront houses

Memorial Day brought with it the unofficial start to summer, which means that school is almost out and vacation time is upon us. Traditionally, people planning a vacation wouldn’t think twice about booking a hotel as soon as plane tickets were purchased, but that tradition is changing. Rather than seek out yet another nondescript hotel room, more and more U.S. travelers are opting for a vacation rental home instead.

This information comes from a survey conducted by TripAdvisor, designed to glean information about travelers’ accommodation preferences while vacationing. Almost 50% of survey respondents said that they plan to rent a home rather than stay in a hotel during their next vacation.

Their reasons for choosing this option are varied, but most come down to the greater convenience that comes with a vacation rental. Some choose a rental home because of the greater space they provide. Others want to pack light and love the idea of having ready access to a washing machine. Still, others who hate the idea of eating out for every meal enjoy having the use of a full kitchen. Then there are those who look for nothing more than a rental home with an incredible view. They’re probably not traveling with kids.

If you have a rental home that you think could be perfect for a vacation rental, there are a few things to think about before you make a final decision about it. Be sure that you can provide renters with a fully furnished home. Keep in mind that this means more than just a comfy couch. Most renters expect a fully equipped kitchen, a few sets of sheets, and towels as well. It is also important to remember that many people who choose to rent a vacation home are looking for greater cost savings than they could get with a hotel. Take a look at hotels in your area or nearby comparable vacation rentals to decide what to charge renters.

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