
Preparing for Winter Weather

Prepare for winter weather.

No one likes to think about it, but there’s no denying that nip in the air — winter is coming. A lot of property maintenance in the winter falls under the responsibility of the condo association, and it’s a good idea to start planning before the first snowfall.

Clearing ice and snow from parking lots, sidewalks, and stairs is the association’s responsibility. Start lining up vendors now to ensure you’re not left without a salt vendor and coping with unsafe conditions on your own.

If you have a rolling gate, have a plan in place to ensure that the gate is temporarily opened when a storm is expected. If you lose power during the storm, condo owners can be trapped in the property or stuck outside if you don’t open the gate ahead of time.

Make sure your irrigation systems are drained before the bad weather hits. A burst pipe can cost condo owners thousands in repairs.

If you have condo owners who flee south for the winter, make sure they know of their obligation to maintain the temperature of their condo at 40 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent frozen pipes. They may have to hire a friend to keep an eye on the heat or drip faucets when their apartment is vacant during the winter.

In case a pipe does burst, find your cut-off valves now and mark them. This way, the entire property won’t have to cope with having their water turned off while the burst pipes are repaired.

If you deal with these things now, your condo association won’t be left scrambling to tie up loose ends when the weatherman warns of a huge winter storm.

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Pilera is a best-of-class, easy-to-use, comprehensive online property management solution for apartments, condos, and associations. Pilera provides the easiest, most comprehensive data management capability available to property managers, leasing agents, boards of directors, and back-office personnel. Quickly and easily access whatever you need, whenever you need it, from wherever you need to be with office or mobile phone connectivity. You are never out of touch. Act on the document/information accessed from the office or “on-the-road” with Pilera-supported mobile capability. Contact us today!

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