
Online Versus Traditional Payment: Where Do We Stand?

women using a laptop with a card in her hand.

A recent study revealed a growing shift in how residents pay their fees.

It’s been a long-held belief that older people prefer the traditional way of paying by check, younger people prefer paying online, and the sandwich generation still hasn’t made up its mind. That notion has been dispelled, however, as people from all generations are discovering the ease and convenience of online bill pay. That means, as a property manager, if you don’t have multiple payment options available to your residents, it’s time to think about doing so.

Many property managers who saw this trend coming and have long-standing EFT systems in place are now offering incentives to use them. Residents who are using them are less often late with their payments, which is good for everyone.

So of those who have switched to online payments, why do they prefer it?

  • 50% say it saves time
  • 44% prefer the “anytime” access
  • 43% find it most convenient on the go

So as the younger generation becomes the older generation — and all generations start to see the benefits of online payments — your residents will most likely want to pay their fees or rent online, and you should want them to. It will mean fewer late payments and delinquencies, and a lot less wasteful paper processing.

Technology continues to march on. As a property manager, are you in step with it?

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