
How Management Company Communications Changed During COVID-19

The changing times that we’re in continue to impact community association management communication with residents in many ways.  Interactions and events such as office visits, board member meetings, or community gatherings that would previously happen in-person are now being conducted online through text messaging, phone calls, emails, and video conferencing.  Community leaders and HOA managers are staying connected with residents by offering them assistance, building morale, and most importantly, keeping them informed. In this article, we discuss some of the ways in which our management company clients are keeping their streams of communication moving.

Time-sensitive messages

As the situation changes on a daily basis, community managers are notifying their residents of mandates passed by the city and state governments.  These types of notices include extended stay-at-home orders, the relaxation of them, or urgent guidelines on how to social distance while in public places.  To relay urgent messages, managers are using the Reverse911 functionality, where a more immediate communication method, phone calls, takes priority over the resident’s communication preference.

Common area and amenity updates

As summer approaches, managers have been keeping residents informed on policies for the community’s common areas.  In some states, communities have started reopening amenities with social distancing guidelines.  In other states, communities are continuing to monitor government and health guidelines to stay on top of when they can reopen.  In both scenarios, community managers are communicating with residents on where common area and amenity reopenings stand, what measures their staff is implementing, and setting ground rules for social distancing while using those amenities.  Additionally, managers are also informing residents about maintenance work in common areas and closures in that duration to ensure the safety of vendors and residents.

Virtual event notices

In lieu of traditional board meetings, members of the community have taken to video conferencing to discuss community tasks and issues.  To inform board members and residents of upcoming virtual meetings, managers are sending event notifications via the new built-in calendar with a link to join remotely.  Additionally, through the Board+ functionality, managers are now able to create custom event calendars to organize their event calendar in a way that meets their business needs.

Show support for frontline workers

Community leaders are encouraging residents to show their support and solidarity to the frontline workers in their communities.  Managers are sending emails or text messages letting residents know how they can show support to those working hard at the front lines of the pandemic.

Offer residents assistance

Many communities are offering assistance to residents who are have been severely affected by COVID-19.  Some communities are offering alternative payment plans or waiving fees for a few months to provide financial relief for residents.  Additionally, in complying with social distancing guidelines, many managers are sending notices to residents about online payment options through the portal and alternative contact-free ways to pay such as mailing in the check or placing them in drop-boxes in front of the management office.

As we gear up for a new normal, communicating with your residents frequently and with relevant, helpful resources will help build a sense of community and safety even from afar.  Pilera\’s automated communication solution aims to help you convey important messages to your residents quickly and with confidence.

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. May we help your community achieve these success storiesContact us to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company.

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