
Getting Festive? 6 Ways to Brighten Holiday Spirit in Your Community Management Office!

Photo of laughing co-workers interacting during corporate party in office

With the festivity now upon us, it’s important to bring more cheer to the office and give appreciation to everyone’s hard work throughout the year.  Managing communities – HOAs and Condo’s – are some of the most challenging jobs. But it’s the most rewarding too, as your team is essential to enriching the association-living experience of your residents.  You\’re contributing in a large way in making the communities a happy, safe, and informed place.  Take out some time during the holiday season to treat your staff, be treated, relax, and have fun! Here are 6 ways that you can bring cheer to your office in a way that’s relaxing and enjoyable!

1) Decorate your office

Go on a holiday shopping trip for your office.  Holiday decor like Christmas trees, hanging ornaments (snowflakes, red & white decor hangings), lights, wreaths, garlands, stockings, candy canes, and bring a warm, festive-feel to the work environment.  While decorating the office, keep it festive, cheerful, creative, and simple but elegant looking.

2) Play light, holiday-centered music

Listening to music is always a great way to de-stress, focus better on your tasks and be more productive.  Studies have shown that playing light, ambient music has a soothing effect when working. Additionally, it is less intrusive when you are working on different tasks.  According to Sparring Mind’s blog, when working on tasks that have a clear objective and are often repetitive, light music can be helpful in lightening the environment.  Online radio streaming services like Pandora, Spotify, Accu Radio and others have a great collection of classic holiday songs that are cheerful, productive, and won\’t hamper your work.   

3) Host a potluck at the office

Just before the holiday begins, organize a holiday party for your employees at the management office.  A potluck is a unique and cost-effective way party theme.  Each employee can contribute to bringing in home-prepared full course meals, appetizers, desserts, and drinks.  Create a sign-up sheet and distribute it to your staff members so they can see what others are bringing in, and what they can bring.

4) Organize a Secret Santa

Secret Santa is a gift-exchanging practice where each employee signs up to anonymously gift something to one employee.  Place everyone\’s name individually on a piece of paper and place it inside a jar.  Have your employee pick out one person\’s name from the jar.  The gifts should cost no more than the amount that your team sets to make this a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone. When organized well, Secret Santa is a unique way for each employee to give thanks to their co-workers and at the same time, enjoy guessing who gave you your gift!  

5) Play some games during the holiday party

Playing games is a great stress buster and a way to get to know your fellow co-workers better. However, keep in mind each employee’s comfort zone and make sure that the games will appeal to everyone. Some fun games to play at an indoor holiday party at work are general and business work trivia, bingo, guess the movie or song/dumb charades, toss the ring into the bottle, and many more.

6) Share your accomplishments and goals for next year

During a year-end meeting or even at the holiday party, have every team member share their accomplishments this year and what they hope to achieve next year. Each employee can share as little or as much as they want to, according to their comfort level. Accomplishments should be shared so that employees can gain a better understanding of what their co-workers are doing, their challenges, and how they overcame them.  Also, accomplishing something no matter how big or small feels good – so why not share it with the team?

Spread the cheer this holiday season in the management office by giving thanks to your employees and hosting parties, potlucks, and games that will appeal to everyone.  It’s a great way to build camaraderie among co-workers and de-stress after the hard work everyone’s done.


About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management suite that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations.  May we help your community achieve these success stories?  Book a demo to see how Pilera’s community management suite can help your company. 

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