
5 Benefits of Communication Software for HOAs


One increasingly valuable way to organize your communication streams is to invest in software to implement all aspects of your community\’s communications plan.  In Part 1 of the communication series, we talked about effective methods for creating a communications plan.  We highlighted the journey of Jackie, a manager of a community management company.  Here, we discuss five ways Jackie benefitted from communications software, and how you can benefit from the investment as well:

  1. One single platform for all your needs

    Courtesy: "adidad8" from VecteezyLook for one single interface or portal that brings all the communication features you are searching for so that you can reduce time and confusion.  Maintaining a history or archive of all communications, contact information, open rates, and other features prevents the need to purchase multiple applications or have multiple applications open simultaneously.  You can then dedicate more time to all the other objectives and tasks that really matter to your business.

    Jackie from a residential community company is able to manage contacts, send customized messages to the community, and monitor the efforts of those communications so she knows that she is reaching her audience in the most effective way.


  2. Multi-channel communications

    Channels for communications have diversified over the past several years and settling down for only one mode of communication to reach your entire audience may prove to be a hurdle.  As you communicate with your residents, you\’ll find that one mode of communication (such as text) may be preferred by some residents over another mode (such as email).  Or, you may discover that residents prefer email, phone call, and a text message.  Overall, managers find it beneficial when they can offer their community members a wide array of options to receive messages from.

    Jackie has decided to send messages through email, text, phone, and even a combination of the three, so her residents don’t miss a moment of upcoming events and urgent messages.   After sending the messages, she will also want to know how many residents each of those messages reached.

  3. Reach a multi-lingual audience

    As your community grows, culture becomes more diverse and you will encounter members who speak a wide variety of languages.  Make sure to choose a software product that can translate your communications in the preferred language of your audience.  

  4. Eliminate redundancy by maintaining message templates

    Use templates to eliminate repetition from your daily work schedule.  A software for residential communications enables you to create messages that you can use repeatedly for various occasions.

    Jackie sends welcome messages to new residents/tenants, reminders when the there is any new construction in the community, when and where the next community event is, and more.

  5. Schedule your messages in advance

    Time tends to get ahead of all of us, and that is why your business could benefit from scheduling messages in advance.  

    Jackie is going to a trade show next week, but she wants to inform the community residents of new pavement being done in the parking in that duration.  Through a communications portal that keeps the future in mind, she will be able to schedule messages in advance with ease. Jackie’s concerns alleviated, she can now focus on networking at the trade show with the knowledge that the community is always in the know even while she is out of office.

Investing in a software to effectively manage your community takes time, resources, and money.  Undoubtedly, you’ll want to be assured that the software you select to integrate with your current company operations is more than well-worth time and money, as well as brings immense value to your people, the way you operate every day, and to your operations in the long-term.  

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