
4 Ways to Boost HOA Management Productivity with Technology

How to increase HOA management productivity with technology.

As a community manager, you’re often juggling a lot of tasks and responsibilities.  Managing the day-to-day responsibilities of a community from communicating with residents to dealing with maintenance issues can be stressful and time-consuming.  

How do you improve personal productivity to get more time back in your day?  Can your team improve overall productivity without adding more managers? 

With the right tools in place, managing a community can feel more rewarding.  HOA management software can offload routine tasks to help you boost productivity, so you can provide better service to residents.  As the year comes to a close, we wanted to share 4 ways you can boost HOA management productivity in 2023 with technology. Additionally, users of Pilera\’s HOA Management Software will gain tips to boost their productivity.

1) Automate resident communication

With modern technology, you no longer have to rely on postal mailing or email distribution lists.  You can automate resident communication by sending out mass emails, phone calls, and text messages based on their communication and language preferences.  Automated communication platforms can deliver thousands of messages within minutes, which is critical during an emergency.

Here are some productivity tips in Pilera to take your resident communications a step further:

  • Use Self-Cleaning Distribution Groups – If you regularly need to communicate with individuals in a social events committee or with those who reside near lakeside properties, we recommend creating distribution groups.  You can create message groups based on people or location.  The group will automatically update itself as residents join or leave the community.  The self-cleaning nature of distribution groups in Pilera eliminates the need to manage lists manually. 
  • Create templates – When you need to reuse content regularly or make sure that your message is consistent across your organization, we recommend creating templates.  Templates allow you to create a message for phone, email, text, or letter to save for future use.  
  • Reference your real-time analytics and message archives – You no longer have to wonder if a resident received your message or dig through your email to find their response.  With Pilera’s real-time analytics on message delivery, you will know whether a resident has received your email, text, or picked up a phone call.  Our platform also keeps an automatic archive of every message that was sent and tracks resident replies to your emails.
Communication distribution groups that are self-maintaining help to improve HOA management productivity.

Resource: 5 Ways Clients Improved Their Communication with Pilera

2) Team Collaboration

According to studies, 1 in 4 employees says there is a lack of collaboration in their company.  Do you often find that resident requests and board tasks are being tracked in different places by different employees?  If so, you may be noticing a decline in productivity – tasks slip through the cracks and you’re regularly chasing down staff for an update.  

However, with a client service ticketing system, you can improve communication and collaboration with your team, board members, and residents.  A ticketing system improves your HOA management productivity by enabling you to distribute responsibilities, communicate with staff, and track tasks. 

Here are some tips in Pilera to collaborate more effectively with your team:

  • Assign responsibilities – Assigning tasks ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.  When you assign a task to a member of your team, Pilera automatically sends an email notification.  
  • Communicate internally – As a task progresses, it’s important to keep your team informed.  You can communicate with other managers through comments and choose to notify them by email.  Pilera keeps an automatic history of all status changes, assignee changes, and comments so everyone knows what was done.
Pilera\'s collaborative ticketing system enables managers to improve team productivity.

3) Managing your time more efficiently

As a community manager, your day may not go as planned.  That’s why you need to have insight into your tasks at a glance so you can prioritize them.  A ticketing system should help you to monitor and manage your workload at any given time. Knowing where you stand with your tasks can help you plan the day better and improve your productivity. 

Here are some tips in Pilera to help you manage your time more efficiently:

  • Prioritize your work – The manager dashboard in Pilera helps you set expectations with a live snapshot of all your work at a community or portfolio level.  You can prioritize your tasks by urgency, age, or due date.
  • Manage team workload – The business analytics report in Pilera enables you to understand employee performance better and shift workload where it’s needed.  The number of open, closed, and assigned tasks provides insight into which employees may be overwhelmed or who could be given more work.
Being able to see all the tasks you\'re assigned to at a glance helps to plan your day and become more productive.

4) Promote resident self-service

A great way to boost your HOA management productivity is to encourage resident self-service through a portal.  In a community portal, residents can submit and track requests, update their contact information, and view community information without ever having to contact the management office.  You can keep residents informed with little effort on your part!     

Here are some tips to boost HOA management productivity with Pilera\’s resident portal:

  • Keep community information up-to-date – Today, your residents prefer to search online for information before they call the management office.  That’s why it’s important to always keep information in the portal up to date.  You can upload the latest documents, events, knowledge base articles, community contacts, and more to keep them informed. 
  • Update resident requests – Keep residents informed on the status of their work orders, ACRs, violations, and support tickets with automated email notifications. Furthermore, you can encourage your residents to log into the portal to view updates at their own time and convenience. 
Resident self-service features such as a document library help managers to reduce workload and improve productivity.

About Pilera

Pilera Software is the premier community and property management software that has helped thousands of community managers and back-office personnel enhance communications, improve customer service, and manage compliance and operations. To learn how Pilera can help to improve operationsbook a personalized demo. Or, if you are a customer, write to us at [email protected] with any questions.

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